“Get a room!” someone yelled as they drove by and it was the perfect excuse to end the kiss.
“Let’s go,” he said.
She took his hand as they walked to the car. He was attracted to Rachel, always had been. Maybe it was just because the kiss was so aggressive and out in the open that he hadn’t been able to get into it. He was completely sober, while he knew Rachel was at least buzzed. He didn’t feel right going to bed with her unless they were both in their right mind.
Meanwhile, Rachel was drawing little finger hearts on his upper thigh the whole way back to her place. She obviously had no issue with the two of them taking this to the next level.
Still, nothing.
After he parked, he climbed out and headed over to open the passenger door. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something small and white run under a bush.
He helped Rachel out and let her take his hand again, but his attention was on the shrubbery.
“I am so glad we finally did this,” she said.
Chris nodded distractedly. “Me too.”
They passed by the bush and Chris heard a little squeak. He slowed his steps and stared down into the dense branches, searching for the source of the sound.
“What is it?” she asked.
“I heard something.”
He released her hand. Then, Chris squatted down next to the bush and stuck his hand out to move some branches.
A tiny, white paw poked out and attacked his fingers with pinprick sharp claws.
Chris jerked his hand back with a startled laugh. “Hey, who is in there?” He turned to Rachel. “Do you mind getting the flashlight out of my glove box?”
Chris ignored her obvious irritation. He stuck his hand in again, and drew it back. This time, a tiny kitten popped its head out, its arms reaching for him. Its eyes were dilated, and its mouth was wide open, flashing its teeth playfully.
“Oh, you’re tough.” He grabbed ahold of the kitten and pulled him out of the bush. He felt the little body vibrate as he brought it against his chest. The tiny cat was purring up a storm. He rubbed the kitten’s ears and its eyes closed for a brief second.
Then, he wrapped his paws around Chris’s hand and bit down gently, followed by a sweet lick on the back of his hand.
“You’re a friendly little guy.” Chris hadn’t had a cat since he was a kid, but it seemed young. He could cradle the creature in one palm.
“What is it?” Rachel asked from behind his left shoulder.
“A kitten.”
“Oh, great. I was afraid it was going to be a mouse.” She took a step toward her apartment. “It’s probably one of my neighbors’. They never fix their cats. They just let them outside and they keep breeding.”
Chris frowned. “He’s pretty little and skinny. I’m surprised he hasn’t been a snack for something, being out here on his own.”
“Well, he’s obviously doing fine, so you should just put him back,” Rachel said.
Chris thought about it. He could be someone’s pet, but there was a busy road not too far and if Rachel was right and the people never fixed their pets, would anyone miss him if he disappeared?
“Which apartment has the cats?” he asked.
Rachel stared at him as though he’d lost his damn mind. “I don’t know. I’m allergic, so I avoid them.”
Chris could just start knocking on doors, but it was after nine. He didn’t really feel like pissing a bunch of people off.
He started to put the little guy down, but suddenly, the kitten climbed up his chest. When the small head was right under his nose, the fur ball rubbed his face against Chris’s cheek.