“Why would they be?”

“You know… Sometimes when two people who are friends have…become intimate, their relationship changes. Things become tense and awkward, and I’m just glad that isn’t us.”

“I’m not feeling awkward at all.” He opened his mouth to continue, to tell her that he was thinking that maybe it didn’t need to be a one-time thing.

But then she blurted, “I found a place to rent today.”

Dustin froze, trying to sound casual when it felt like he’d been kicked in the gut. “You did? Where?”

“It’s a little two-bedroom outside of town. It needs some work and updating, but the owners gave me a really good deal on rent as long as I handle the upkeep on my own. And I can have a pet.”

“I didn’t know you wanted one.” He was so thrown he didn’t even recognize the monotone of his voice.

“Yeah, I’ve wanted one for years, but Asher wouldn’t let me.”

“Why didn’t you ask me? I’m nothing like Asher.” His tone was harsh, and he hated that he was getting emotional about this. He didn’t get attached to women.

She blinked at him. “Of course, you aren’t, but this was only supposed to be temporary. Besides, I thought it would be presumptuous to ask to have an animal when I’m not even paying you what this place is worth.”

Dustin didn’t know why he cared that she hadn’t mentioned wanting an animal, but it stung him. Actually, the fact that she sounded so excited about leaving did. Maybe it was because she’d snuck out on him this morning with a half assed note and no good morning love session, but did she have to sound so damn delighted?

She was frowning at him now and he couldn’t blame her. “I thought you’d be glad to get your pool house back. And with your brother here now, I figured one less person in your space, cramping your style—”

“What style is that?” he asked.

“You know, dating and all that.”

“Believe me, if I’d wanted to bring someone home, you being here wouldn’t have mattered.” Dustin stabbed a fork into his cheesecake. He knew he was acting like a complete asshat, but he didn’t know how to rein his emotions back in. “So, when do you move?”

“I…I…was going to pack up this week. I’ll probably be gone by the weekend.” She set her fork down and reached across the table to take his hand. “Are you seriously upset about this?”

He pulled his hand back. “No, why would I be? You were right. I got what I wanted from you and you got what you wanted. It was a mutually beneficial agreement.”

He knew he was letting her think the whole goal of letting her stay here had been just to get her into bed, but he couldn’t seem to shut up. It was like someone had hooked up a fireman hose to his mouth and stupidity was spraying from his lips at a hundred miles an hour.

Rylie’s face lost all color and the skin around her jaw tightened. “For the record, I wasn’t using you. I accepted your offer, but I gave you money and—”

“Like you said, this place is worth more than six hundred a month.”

Why the hell am I being such an ass?

Her eyes shone with unshed tears. “Why are you being a jerk about this? I thought you’d want me gone.”

“Why? Have I made you feel unwelcome? Like I wanted you out of here?”

Rylie shook her head slowly, confusion clouding those beautiful brown eyes. “No, you’ve been wonderful. It’s just that I know you like your space and your women, and having to explain my presence probably affects the latter.”

“Like I said, if I wanted to bring someone home to fuck, they wouldn’t care who was sleeping in the pool house.”

Dustin watched the confusion and hurt melt away, replaced by fury. “Right. I forgot that you are God’s gift and women would sell their soul to be with you.”

“I’m sure some have.”

“You’re a jackass,” she snapped. “Get out.”

“It’s my pool house.”

“That I’m renting, per our verbal agreement, which means that you need to leave.” When he didn’t move fast enough, she picked up a handful of her cheesecake and threw it at him, smacking him right in the chest.