o someone you trust.” She pulled away from him and cupped his cheek. “Don’t hold all that pain inside, sweetheart. I did that for twenty-five years and it ate me up inside. It’s only been the last two years that I’ve found my joy again. It’s time you found yours.”

Chapter 19

When Dustin got back from dinner with his mom and brother, he’d expected Rylie to already be home. Instead, it was almost nine when she pulled up. He waited fifteen minutes and picked up the cheesecake he’d defrosted, stacking the freshly washed and cut strawberries on top, and then tucking the whipped cream cylinder under his arm.

Whistling as he took the steps down to pool house, he was very much aware of his racing heart and the nervous flutters in his stomach.

Why are you freaking out? It’s just two friends having dessert.

Except if she was just a friend, or one of his booty calls, he wouldn’t be this out of sorts…would he?

He knocked on the glass door and watched as Rylie came down the hallway in a camisole and plaid pajama pants, her face free of makeup, and her hair thrown up in a bun.

She pulled open the door with a shy smile. “Well, this is a nice surprise. What do you have there?”

He held up the stuff in his hands. “Dessert. You up for it?”

“I’m always up for dessert.” He shot her a look full of heat, and grinned when she blushed. “I didn’t mean that in a dirty way.”

“Too bad,” he murmured, waggling his eyebrows. His nerves were slowly starting to ease being this close to Rylie. Why had he been scared to see her? Things were just the same as they ever were; sex didn’t have to change that.

Rylie rolled her eyes at him. “I’ll get the plates and forks.”

“I need a knife to cut this thing, too. Unless you want to just eat it straight from the box.”

She set the fork, plates, and knife onto the table with a shake of her head. “And contaminate the whole thing? What if you want to take some home for your brother?”

“That douche can starve. He got into the doughnuts you left me.”

“Oh no! I said they were for both of you. He didn’t eat them all, did he?”

Dustin set the cheesecake and berries on the table, keeping a hold of the whipped cream. “No, he left me a couple.”

“Did you like them?” she asked.

“I loved them. I could have downed them all, but I wanted to savor them.”

“You have more willpower than me…which is why I only kept two.”

When Rylie handed him the knife, he asked, “How big do you want it?”

“Normal-sized is fine.”

He slipped her slice onto one of the plates. “Berries and cream?”

“Please. You even got the good cheesecake.” She scooped off a little on her finger and slipped it between her lips, wrapping them around the digit with an appreciative little moan. “I’m impressed.”

Dustin tried to ignore the excitement that one little action had stirred up in his pants. “Impressed I can defrost a frozen dessert?”


He chuckled. “Thanks?”

“You’re welcome.”

They sat down and ate their desserts in silence, Dustin trying to come up with something to say besides, “So, you want to head back to the bedroom for round two?”

“I’m glad things aren’t weird,” Rylie said.