“See what you started.” She unlocked the gate of his kennel and stepped inside. Once it was secure again, she sat down and let him climb into her lap, laughing as he flopped over onto his back for belly rubs.

“You are such a nerd butt. Yes you are.”

He launched himself up and gave her a half dozen doggie kisses that left her spluttering and trying to hold him off. “Ugh, baby, you need a dental bone!”

“So, I got big news,” Tayler said from the other side of the kennel gate.

Rylie gave Raider his treat, and looked up at Tayler from her position on the ground. “Wow, that was fast.”

“Well, I may have put in more than one good word for you, and told her about Raider. Shelly has a soft spot for him, too, and she’ll rent you her place if you’ll adopt Raider.”

Rylie’s heart started racing. “How much is rent?”

“Six fifty plus utilities. Two bedroom, two bath.”

With the bonus Kelly had given her, she could easily afford it, plus with the commission she’d get from the Rolland/Marconi wedding…

“Could I see it today?” she asked.

Tayler held up a slip of paper. “Yep. She’s expecting your call.”

Rylie couldn’t believe that anyone would rent a house with property for that cheap. “You must have put in a really good word.”

“You bet I did. You two deserve a home together after all you’ve been through.”

Rylie was really lucky with the people in her life. Tayler, Marley, Dustin…

The thought of telling Dustin she was leaving made her sick to her stomach. Would he even care?

Remember no strings attached? You guys are just friends. Don’t blow that by having feelings.

* * * *

That evening, Dustin and Charlie went over to their mom’s for dinner. Dustin was hoping with Charlie home there would be less focus on him and what was happening with his life, but no such luck.

“Charlie, what do you think of Rylie?” his mom asked slyly.

“She gorgeous, sweet, and she can bake. What’s not to like?”

Charlie shot Dustin a knowing grin. Dustin wished he could kick his brother in the shin, but he was too far away.

“Well, apparently, your brother isn’t interested.”

Charlie covered his mouth with his napkin and coughed. “Bullshit.”

Dustin fingered his steak knife, calculating the accuracy if he threw it at Charlie’s smug face.

“What’s this now?” his mom asked innocently.

“They hooked up last night.”

Dustin stood up. “Dude, outside. I am going to give you a matching bruise on the other side.”

“Dustin sit down. Your brother is just messing with you.”

“He acts like a ten-year-old,” Dustin snapped.

“Sit. Down,” she said firmly.