little shit stole the design I was going to pitch off my desk. When I went to Mr. Hendrix and called his kid out, he told me to let it go and I said he wasn’t doing him any favors by covering for the bastard. So, he fired me. Then, he blacklisted me with every other firm in the city. He fucking ruined me because he was too big of a pussy to admit that he’d raised a little no-talent asshole.”

Charlie took a drink of his coffee before continuing. “Anyway, my lease was up on my place so I… I came home. I didn’t know what else to do and I’m just pissed. I should have just let it go, let him have the design, but I couldn’t.”

Dustin poured his own cup of coffee and came to the table. “No, you couldn’t. There is nothing wrong with standing up for yourself, Charlie. I’m proud of you, big brother.”

“Yeah, it’s great. Except now, I’m screwed.”

Dustin grinned. “Maybe not.”


“Kelly, Marley, Rylie and I are restoring Buzzard Gulch and turning it into a premiere wedding venue. How would you like to be the lead architect on the project?”

Charlie’s eyebrows hiked up. “My benevolent little brother is offering me a job?”

“Hey, I want the best for this project and you’re here. You’re a genius when it comes to buildings and it pays well. And it will give you time to figure out your next move.”

Charlie cleared his throat, then nodded. “Okay. I appreciate it.”

“Then it’s settled. You want to go for a run with me?”

Charlie groaned and grabbed his head, as if just the thought was painful. “Hell no.”

“Okay, but I guess I could grab you one of those day-old breakfast burritos with the greasy sausage and onions if I make it to town? I heard foods with lots of fat and oil are good for hangovers.”

Charlie turned green around the gills. “Fuck you.”

“I love you, too.”

* * * *

Tayler opened the door. “Rylie! I meant to call you yesterday and forgot. Are you still looking for a place?”

“Yeah, I am,” Rylie said as she stepped inside.

“I might know someone looking for a tenant. A friend of mine has a little house on a couple acres outside of town, closer to Somerset. I could give her a call.”

Rylie was torn. She really did want her own place again, somewhere she could have a pet and make it her own. But that also meant moving away from Dustin.

And surprisingly, that was the only con she could come up with.

It’s not as though we’re together. Besides, his brother is there now. He probably can’t wait to get rid of me.

“That would be wonderful. Thank you,” Rylie said.

“I’ll do it right now. You go do your thing.”

Rylie snagged one of the biscuits from the basket and handed it to Tayler. “For the other pups.”

“You are such a doll.”

“Thanks, Tay.”

Tayler disappeared down the hallway and Rylie headed down the row of kennels until she stopped outside of Raider’s.

“Hey, handsome! You ready to come out and play with me?”

Raider jumped up and woofed, the sound echoing through the metal warehouse and creating a chain reaction. All the other dogs started baying and howling, and Rylie held a finger up to her lips.