Dustin woke up slowly the next morning, stretching out his arms and legs, curling his feet until his toes cracked. Last night had been incredible, better than anything he’d ever imagined. After the third time, Rylie had curled up on top of him, her head on his chest, and told him he was amazing before falling fast asleep. He’d crashed with a smile on his face.

His eyes popped open as he realized he was alone. He turned over, then sat up, searching the room for any sign that Rylie might just be in the shower, but the boxers and T-shirt she’d borrowed were gone.

To say he was disappointed would have been an understatement.

Why? You told her it was just a one-time thing. No strings. Booty calls don’t usually stay for breakfast.

Still, he was at least hoping for a little morning delight.

He climbed out of bed and took a quick shower, hoping to find Rylie at the pool house before he took off. Once he was dressed for a run, he made his way downstairs to find Charlie at the kitchen table. Charlie looked up at him with bloodshot eyes, his cheek puffy and purple, and a delicious looking yellow cake doughnut in his hand.

“What are you doing?” Dustin asked.

“Drinking coffee and eating the doughnuts your tenant left for you.” Charlie licked his lips, and smacked them loudly. “You know, just throwing this out there, but if I had a beautiful, sexy woman who could bake like this living only five hundred feet away, I’d be taking advantage of my good fortune.”

Dustin spotted the basket on the counter and walked over to check it out. Inside there were two doughnuts left and a little envelope with his name on it. He picked it up and noticed the torn seal.

With a growl, he turned and waved it at his brother. “Did you read this?”

“Noooo,” Charlie dragged the word out sarcastically. “I would never snoop through your shit.”

“Asshole.” Dustin pulled out the little card with flowers.

Good Morning!

I made these for you as a thank you for everything you’ve done. Enjoy!


As far as morning-after-amazing-sex notes, it was pretty bland, but when he took a bite of one of the doughnuts, it was like his mouth exploded. He might have even moaned as the tart yet sweet flavor took over his taste buds and danced down his throat.

He looked out the window and saw that Rylie’s car was gone. He’d noticed that she took off most Sundays, but hadn’t thought to ask where she went. At first he’d assumed she just went to church, but she usually didn’t get back until the early evening.

I’ll just have to plan something special tonight. For the doughnuts.

Holding a doughnut in each hand, he faced his brother. “How many were there before you helped yourself?”

Charlie licked his fingers obnoxiously. “I lost count after eight.”

Dustin took another bite and said around the crumbling pastry, “I should have let you freeze to death.”

“You effed up my face.”

“You had it coming. Do you even remember last night?”

Charlie had the nerve to appear sheepish. “It might be a little foggy.”

“You tried to start a fight with Asher Reid, got us kicked out of Shot Gun, and then, proceeded to wrestle with me in the parking lot.”

Charlie rubbed a hand over his day-old stubble. “Fine, maybe I did deserve it.”

“Yeah. You did. Now, are you going to tell me what’s really going on with you? Or do you just want to keep drinking and eating your problems away?”

His brother pointed to the cupboard next to the sink. “The rest of your doughnuts are up there. I only had two and hid the rest.”

“That’s mature.” Dustin opened the cupboard after he finished his second one, and decided to save the rest in a Tupperware. “You can talk while I put these away.”

Charlie sighed loudly behind him. “Fine I didn’t quit. I was fired. My boss hired his son and the