“Where are your manners? She is your guest and she is going through a rough time. This date is the first thing she has been excited about since she got here, and I am glad for it. So, hop to it or you can cook your own meals.”

“Actually, she pays rent, so technically, she’s a tenant.” Dustin quirked his eyebrow at her. “And you do realize you work for me, right?”


“And that I can fire you?”

She snorted as she turned back to his breakfast. “Ha, but then you would have to train someone else to your likes and dislikes and that annoys you.”

She had him there.

“Also, you love me,” she said.

Dustin didn’t say those words to anyone, but of the handful of people he was fond of, Victoria was one of them.

“Fine, I’ll take it to her.”

“That’s a good boy.”

He shut the door on her praise and jogged down the steps to the pool house. He had to knock on the door several times before Rylie finally came stumbling into view and he grinned. He probably shouldn’t tell her that she moved like a zombie off The Walking Dead before she had her caffeine fix. She tended to be a bit cranky in the mornings.

It took two tries for her to get the door open, but when she did, she looked at him with one squinted eye.

“You know it’s my day off.”

His gaze passed over the messy hair, threadbare T-shirt with a kitty on it, and her little plaid pajama shorts. “I do.”

“Then, for the love of frosting, why are you knocking on the door at seven forty in the morning?”

He held up the box and shook it at her. “Victoria said you might want this.”

Suddenly, she was awake and reaching for it. “Give me.”

He held it out of reach. “What’s in it?”

She hesitated half a second before her chin jutted up. “A dress and shoes.”

“I helped you pack a

nd move. You have plenty of dresses and shoes.”

“A woman can never have enough dresses or shoes.” Apparently, she got tired of jumping for it and just groaned with her arms out. “Will you please just give them to me?”

“Depends. Are you going to model for me?”


“You’re no fun.” He passed her the box, watching her hold it to her chest like a precious treasure. “What’s the occasion?”

Her expression turned wary, and he thought she was going to lie to him.

“I… I have a date tonight.”

“You do? Who is the lucky guy?”

“Just a guy. You don’t know him.”

“Oh, you never know. I know a lot of people.”