He shook his head. “I don’t want to get even. I know why you did it.”

“And why is that?”

Dustin took her drink and set it on one of the tables. “Because you didn’t want to have to share your dance partner.”

Before she could get her bearings, Dustin was twirling her into his arms and dancing her out onto the floor.

“What are you doing?” she laughed.

“If we’re going to listen to some shitty band, we might as well have some fun while we’re doing it.”

Rylie didn’t argue, especially when she liked being in Dustin’s arms more than she should have.

Chapter 14

Dustin realized two Saturdays later during his morning run that he hadn’t had sex since Paula, which had been the longest he’d gone without in years. Most of his sex partners knew his stance on relationships and didn’t mind, so the number of partners he’d had wasn’t as extensive as most people suspected. But it was strange that he hadn’t even thought about it.

Correction, he’d thought about it, non-stop. Just not with some faceless girl.

With Rylie.

He pumped his arms as the house came into sight and he picked up his pace. Working with Rylie lately had been good. No awkwardness or snark. He’d even managed to behave and keep most of his sexual innuendos to a minimum. Tonya had taken their suggestions to heart and called Kelly to thank her for assigning them to her wedding. Rylie had been so excited she’d thrown herself into Dustin’s arms and hugged him tight.

Of course, she’d pulled away as soon as she realized what she’d done, but he’d played it off as no big deal. Only he could still feel the squish of her breasts against his chest, her hot breath on the side of his neck…

Get a grip, Dustin. That is a dead-end road.

He had to admit that they made a pretty good team. They’d gotten every major detail for Tonya Rolland’s wedding hashed out, including the band. It was the fastest a wedding had ever come together, and Kelly had given them each a bonus for their hard work.

Still, despite how well they were getting along, Rylie avoided him at home. He’d invited her to join him for meals, but she would tell him she was fine. He didn’t know if she was afraid to be alone with him in a place that wasn’t work, or if she had just been faking it, pretending to enjoy his company, but he was getting a little tired of her rejecting his edible overtures.

He came through the door, sweat pouring down his face and back. He had almost made it to the front step, but Victoria caught him.

“Oh, Mr. Kent! Can you please do something for me?”

Dustin walked into the kitchen, where Victoria was busy in front of the stove.

“What’s up, Victoria?”

“Will you mind walking that package down for Rylie? It came yesterday, and I forgot to give it to her. I think it’s her date outfit.”

Dustin picked up the brown box, scowling down at the label. “Date outfit?”

Victoria covered her mouth with one hand, looking horrified. “Whoops! She asked me not to say anything. And I swore I’d take it to my grave, but it slipped my mind. You just forget what I said, Mr. Kent. You know how much I hate to gossip. Pretend you never heard that.”

Like hell I will.

“Who’s the guy?” he asked, trying for casual even as his fingers dug into the sides of the box.

“Now, what did I just say? I am not about to gossip about Rylie’s date.” Victoria shot him a sly glance. “But I think he’s from Pleasant Valley.”

Dustin snorted. So, she treated him like a leper, but said yes to some rando from PV? Who was the guy?

It’s none of my business.

“If she wants the box, she can come up here and get it. I’m not FedEx.”

He started to put the package down, but Victoria thrust her spatula so hard in his direction that eggs flew off the end and smacked him in the cheek.