
“I’ll grab you at eight.”

* * * *

Rylie wasn’t sure what to wear to check out a country rock band, but she figured jeans and a tank top that read, Boots, Dirt Roads, and Country Music would be okay.

She sat in the passenger seat of Dustin’s car, twisting a curl from her pony tail around her finger. She still wasn’t sure why she asked him to come; he’d already told her that he wasn’t a big fan of hillbilly music. But she’d heard this band’s version of “Your Love Amazes Me,” which was Blake and Tonya’s song, and she had a really good feeling about them.

Dustin parked across the street in the dirt parking lot, and they walked over to the wood building. There were some motorcycles parked outside and a few groups smoking out front and along the side. As they passed by a couple of bikers pulling in, someone let out a high-pitched wolf whistle.

“Damn, baby, you got a mirror in those jeans because I can see myself in them from here!”

Rylie didn’t even bother turning around, because if they were talking to her, she might be tempted to flip them the bird and if they weren’t, well, she’d be just a tad bit embarrassed for assuming.

Dustin put his hand on her back to guide her through the doors. The bouncer in the opening gave them the nod and Rylie found herself hit with a cloud of stale cigarettes, booze, and perfume. She wrinkled her nose just as Dustin leaned over to say loudly, “That’s a pretty unique aroma they’ve got going on.”

Rylie laughed. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

“Want a drink?” Dustin asked.

“Yeah, but I’ll come with you. There is no way I want to be left alone in this place.”

“You afraid the big bad wolf will get you?”

“More like I’m afraid I’ll take a barstool and break it over the wolf’s head.”

Rylie could hear Dustin chuckling over the music of the current band as he led her over to the bar. They still had twenty minutes until Hickory Ridge started, but Rylie wasn’t sure she could stand the lead singer’s caterwauling another moment.

“What are you drinking?” the bartender asked.

“I’ll have a Heineken. Rylie?”

Rylie really wasn’t interested in drinking ever again, but she hated beer almost as much as wine. “I’ll take a Mai Tai, please.”

“Sure thing.”

Rylie turned and leaned back against the bar, watching the band. “They really are terrible, aren’t they?”

Dustin leaned close, probably so she could hear him better. “I’d rather listen to a man screaming while having his balls removed without anesthetic.”

Rylie choked on a laugh. “Geez, that’s a bit graphic, don’t you think?”

He shrugged, and it suddenly occurred to her he was wearing a Hurley T-shirt and jeans. She was about to say something about his casual dress when the bartender came back with their drinks.

Once they had moved back into the crowd, Dustin asked, “Would you rather move closer to the stage?”

“Not right now.”

Rylie took a sip of her fruity drink just as a couple of guys bumped into her, knocking her back into Dustin, who caught her with his hands on her hips. Her drink sloshed over the edge onto the floor and she cursed.

“You okay?” Dustin asked, his warm breath on the side of her neck.

She stilled at his proximity, her whole body turning to Jello as she realized his hands were still spread on her hips. “Yeah, just have sticky drink all over my hand.”

Dustin let her go just as the two dumbasses almost backed into her again. “Hey!”

The one with blond hair and gages in his ears smiled apologetically. “Whoa, sorry about that, sweetie. It’s a little crowded in here.”