“Yeah, I know, but you should be more careful.”

His friend, who was wearing one of those loose-fitting beanies over his long brown hair nodded. “You’re right. We’re a little drunk, but we should watch where we’re going.” He held his hand out to her. “I’m Eric, and you are?”

She switched her drink to her dry hand and gave him her wet, sticky one. “Rylie. And this is…”

Rylie turned to introduce Dustin but he had disappeared.

Gages nodded toward the bar. “If you’re looking for your friend, he’s over at the bar making friends.”

Rylie followed where he was looking and spotted Dustin chatting up a tiny blond in a red halter top that showed off abs that she’d only seen in fitness videos.

When he laughed at something the other woman said, Rylie politely excused herself, and made her way over to stand next to Dustin.

“Dustin? I thought that was you!” she squealed. “How is it going? Say, did you ever manage to get that thing fixed?”

Rylie could tell blondie was hanging on her every word when Dustin asked, “What fixed?”

“You know. Your micro penis,” she whispered loudly. She addressed the other woman now with a sympathetic tone. “Poor thing has lived his whole life with this itty-bitty weenie.”

When she held up her pinkie to elaborate, Dustin grabbed her hand and yanked her away.

Rylie had no idea what had come over her, but seeing him laugh at another woman’s joke had rubbed her wrong.

They’d just entered the middle of the crowd when the band stopped and a man came out on stage. “Thanks, Electric Thunder. And now, please give a warm welcome to Hickory Ridge.”

Rylie would have clapped, but it was a little hard with her dri

nk in her one hand and Dustin’s fingers wrapped around her wrist. She stared up into his glittering blue eyes and swallowed. She didn’t expect him to get so mad.

“Here come the guys we’ve been waiting for,” she said weakly.

“Where do you get off?” he asked.

“Excuse me?”

He let go of her wrist. “I left you with two guys salivating over you and didn’t say one thing. Some girl comes on to me and you announce to the whole bar that I have a tiny dick?”

“It’s a micro penis, which is a legitimate, medical condition—”

“Yeah, only I don’t have it. So what in the hell made you think it was a good idea to tell a complete stranger I did?”

The band started playing a slow song and all the people around them started coupling up. The two of them stood there, a foot apart, not moving or speaking.

When a guy nearby started to ask her to dance, Dustin snarled at him, “Back off, we’re talking.”

Rylie took his hand and dragged him a few feet away, afraid the other man might take offense to his temper.

“I’m really sorry I embarrassed you. I don’t even know why I did it, except I didn’t want you to ditch me and leave me here. In case you haven’t noticed, this place is kind of a meat market.”

“I wouldn’t have left you here, all right? As far as I’m concerned, this is a work thing and if we came together, we’re going to leave together.”

Rylie gave him a tentative smile, but his scowl didn’t ease, so she tried a different approach. Sinking to his level.

“I said I was sorry. Besides, you and I both know that you don’t have a small…thing, so why do you care if some random chick you’re never going to see again thinks you do?” Downing half her drink, she added, “If it makes you feel better, I will go chat up some random dude and you can tell him that I stuff my bra.”

Dustin’s gaze shifted down. “No one would believe that.”

“That I’m lousy in bed?”