She rolled her eyes at his response and sat down. Rylie hoped that once she talked to Kelly, and then Tonya, they would both get on board with the alternative color scheme. At least this would give Tonya some options; if she hated them all, they could go back to the original dresses and bouquets. It was her wedding, after all.

An empty building across the street caught Rylie’s eye. It used to be a doughnut shop once upon a time, but when the grocery store expanded, adding in a bakery, the shop had gone out of business. The big front window was covered in cardboard, probably from having a rock thrown through it or something, but for a second, Rylie imagined what the shop would look like with a coat of pink paint and a new display window. And in white stencil, with little flowers along the side, it would read Rylie’s Gourmet Bakery.

Dustin disrupted her fantasy by placing her basket of food in front of her. “All right, here we go.” He sat across from her, and after double checking the drinks, set her root beer to her right.

“Thanks.” Rylie didn’t look at the empty building again. It was stupid to think about opening a shop here. There was already a wedding cake designer, and even though Kelly and Marley had talked about having Rylie handle the cake orders for Something Borrowed, that hadn’t happened yet.

Besides, it wasn’t as though she had the right kitchen for it anyway.

“Is the burger not good?” Dustin asked.

Rylie realized she’d zoned out for too long and laughed. “Sorry, just thinking.”


“Just how things can change so rapidly. You think your life will go one way, and then you find yourself living in some rich mogul’s pool house, planning other people’s weddings, and basically wondering where to go from here.”

“Well, that is heavy subject matter. One that does not need to be solved today. Which brings me back to my idea. Truth or dare.”

She chewed the fry she’d just popped into her mouth, sure she’d misheard him. “Huh?”

“Let’s play truth or dare. It’s the perfect way to get to know each other.”

“I don’t need to get to know you anymore than I already do.”

He winced. “Ouch, but I’m going to ignore that. I’ll start. I want…truth.”

Rylie eyed him over the lid of her drink, considering. “Have you ever had a real relationship?”

“Define real.”

“More than six months.”

“No. Your turn. Truth or dare.”

There was no way in hell she was picking dare. “Truth.”

His expression turned sly and she wondered if dare would have been a better choice.

“Did you or did you not think I looked sexy in the dress?” he asked.

Rylie almost choked on the French fry she’d just taken a bite of. “That’s a stupid question.”


“Because you know you’d look sexy in a trash bag.”

Rylie slapped her hand over her mouth. She hadn’t even thought about it; the response had just come out.

Dustin grinned. “Now we’re getting somewhere.”

Rylie made a face at him. “This is dumb and inappropriate—”

“Oh, come on, don’t be a chicken.” His blue eyes danced with an obvious challenge, but she wasn’t going to take the bait.

She opened her binder up and flipped to the entertainment page. “Tonya wants a cover band—”

He slapped the binder closed, almost trapping her hand. “Uh uh, we’re on lunch and the game is still on. I choose truth.”