Rylie leveled him with an exasperated look. “Fine. What are all of those scars on your back?”

The way Dustin stilled made Rylie instantly regret letting her temper get the best of her.

“I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that. It was out of line and none of my business.”

Dustin went back to eating, an awkward silence circling them. Rylie wished she’d just played along. That she could take it back.

After what seemed like hours, Dustin wiped his mouth with a napkin and put it on top of his leftover food. “You done?”

“Yeah,” she said.

He picked up both of their baskets and dumped the contents in a nearby trash can. She caught up with him on the sidewalk, and they’d walked several feet back to the car before Rylie spoke, wanting to make up for her rudeness.

“I used to make out with Tommy Wynn behind the concession stand sophomore year.”

Dustin stopped walking and turned to her with a blank expression. “Where did that come from?”

“I just shared a deep dark secret about myself with you. Letting you get to know me.”

“Okay… Didn’t Wynn come out in high school?” he asked.

“Yes. For a long time, I thought he’d come out because of me. He finally sat me down at a party and told me he’d been struggling with who he was for years, and he’d figured since he’d liked me as a person, then maybe he’d feel something different with me. He’s engaged now to a successful civil rights attorney, and they live in L.A. with their two spoiled rescue pups. If you ever want a pick me up, their Instagram is adorable.”

“Good for them.” They started moving again, and Dustin wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “So, what does making out entail? First base? Second?”

She tossed his arm off with a disgusted laugh, relieved that he’d seemed to forgive her.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

Dustin nudged her arm with his. “I would, which is why I asked.”

“Is second base feeling me up?”


“Then we rounded third.”

Dustin’s expression was so stunned she burst out laughing.

“You almost made it with Tommy Wynn behind the concession stand?”

Suddenly self-conscious, she nibbled her lip. “Why do you say it like


“Nothing. I was just thinking that I might have jumped to conclusions about you. You might just be a bad girl after all.”

Rylie elbowed him in the side. “This is the twenty-first century. It’s called exploring my sexuality.”

They’d reached his car, when he started to speak. “Wanna explore your sex—”

She covered his mouth with her hand, giggling. “Damn it! I need to stop setting myself up for your little innuendos.”

Dustin looked at her intensely, and gooseflesh rose as she felt his soft lips press against her palm. She leaned back against the door, her legs suddenly weak. He wrapped his fingers around her wrist and pulled her hand away from his mouth. Slowly, he took each of her fingers and pressed a burning kiss onto every tip. Each caress sent electric shocks down every nerve ending, shooting through her arms, legs, breasts…

Straight between her thighs.

He placed her open palm against the side of his face and she slid it over the scratchy surface before she really thought it through.