Asher took several steps toward his truck, glancing back at Rylie. The dark look on his face sent a chill down her spine.

“You okay?” Dustin asked.

Rylie jumped, not realizing how close Dustin had gotten. She turned her attention away from Asher and swallowed hard, composing herself. “Yeah, I’m good. I guess I should start paying you to protect me. This is the second time you’ve come to my rescue.”

“You were handling him. I was just backup.”

“Well, it is appreciated just the same.”

“You headed home?” he asked.

Home. Weird to hear him describe it like that.

“Um, off to the grocery store first, then back to the pool house.”

Dustin frowned at her. “I’ve got food.”

“Yeah, you have food. I’m already staying at your place, I’m not eating your food. Although, that reminds me.” She rummaged through her purse and pulled out the envelope she’d filled with cash from the bank. “Here.”

One dark brow raised, Dustin opened the envelope, and once he saw what was inside, he scowled. “What’s this for?”

“For the moving truck and rent—”

He held the envelope back toward her. “I told you, I don’t need your money.”

“But I need you to take it so that I don’t feel like I am mooching off you.” When he looked as though he was about to argue, she added, “Please.”

Dustin cursed and snapped the envelope closed. “Fine. And I’ll keep you company at the store.”

“Oh, you don’t have to—”

“Humor me.”

Rylie wasn’t sure how her life had changed so much in two days, but having Dustin Kent want to tag along while she bought groceries had to be the strangest incident yet.

* * * *

Dustin had no idea why he kept offering to help Rylie, especially when this morning he’d wanted to keep his distance. It was as if he had no control over himself when it came to needing to protect her. She was getting under his skin and he hated it.

Well, most of him hated it.

He walked behind Rylie into the store, and when she started to pull out a cart, he intercepted.

“I’ll push, you shop.”

She moved out of his way with a huff. “You’re bossy, anyone ever tell you that?”


She pursed her lips, but brought out a piece of paper from her purse. It amused him that she was old school about her shopping list. He usually sent a text to Victoria with what he needed from the store.

As they headed inside, along the front of the store, Dustin looked around and realized it hadn’t changed much in twenty years.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been in here,” he said.

“Really? Why? Because you don’t do your own grocery shopping?”

It was said sarcastically, but he didn’t take offense. “Exactly.”