Rylie looked up from her list to roll her eyes at him. “Ugh, you’re like one of those billionaires in the books I read.”

“I take it that isn’t a compliment.” He followed her down the bread aisle as she tossed a loaf into the cart. Rylie shook her head.

“Depends. Some women love it. I’ve never been into it.”

“Into what?”

“Pretty boys who don’t know how to get their hands dirty.”

Oh, you have no idea what dirty things my hands can do.

His one-track mind roared down a dangerous road and he had to bite the inside of his cheek not to say exactly what he was thinking.

She paused as she grabbed a package of bagels off the shelf. “Don’t say it.”

“Say what?”

“Whatever pervy comeback I set myself up for.”

Dustin chuckled. “Ah, you know me so well.”


Dustin watched her fill her cart. Her forehead wrinkled as she crossed things off her list, and her all-business demeanor made him want to make her smile. To ease the tension he could see in her shoulders.

“You sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I was just thinking it can’t be easy to have that guy showing up at work. Maybe you should talk to someone about getting a restraining order.”

Rylie scoffed. “A restraining order is just a piece of paper that doesn’t protect you if someone really wants to harm you.”

Dustin agreed, but was surprised she didn’t even consider it.

“Besides, I know Asher. He’ll hook up with someone new this weekend and forget about me.”

Dustin didn’t believe that. He’d seen the way Asher looked at Rylie. No matter how screwed up the guy was, he cared about her.

Besides, three years was a long time to be with someone and just forget them in a weekend.

“Selling yourself a bit short, aren’t you?” he said.

She didn’t meet his gaze as she responded, “I’m being realistic. Men never have issues finding someone new after a break-up.”

Well, this conversation wasn’t helping to cheer her up. He thought getting her to talk about her problems might unburden her, but obviously, he was wrong.

They passed the toy aisle and Dustin saw a photo prop kit. He pulled it off the shelf, and opened it up while she was getting some stuff down the opposite aisle. Putting the mustache on a stick above his lips, he pushed the cart one handed until he was right next to her.

When she turned to him, her eyes widened with surprise before she laughed. A sound that warmed him all the way to his toes.

“Where did you get that?”

Talking in a thirties-detective voice, he said, “I’m sorry, miss, but I believe I mustache the questions.”

“You are ridiculous.” When she spotted the open package in her cart, she gasped, “Dustin! You can’t just open this and not buy it.”

“I have every intention of buying it,” he said.