Page 55 of Unstoppable Shadow

The noise from the crowd was the loudest it had been. “Weapons, weapons, weapons.”

The fat men looked at each other, then did nothing.

“Armed combat, with a yield fee set at one thousand gold coins.” The high-class man sat.

The fat men left the square with a mixture of cheers, boos, and weapons chants.

Two women took the stage for the next fight. One young and pretty, the other quite a lot older. They fought over the older woman’s husband. The fight ended with the older sat on top of the younger, punching her in the face. It was easy to see the young woman had stopped fighting back for a long time before the fight was called off, and she had to be carried away.

“Not so pretty now, you stupid bitch,” Favian shouted.

Mara felt sorry for the young girl but was happy Favian had lost more coins betting on her to win. I hope you lose for the rest of your life.

The woman in brown leather stood in the square with a large man who had long blond hair. He’s nearly as big as Arnolo.

“A fine specimen of a man,” Favian said.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the woman in the square shouted, “today’s challenger, Ulfric Gorse.”

Ulfric walked around the square holding up two clubs.

The crowd went crazy again.

The woman waited for the cheers and boos to stop completely. “Please welcome, your Sevens Helm champion, Luuuandaaa.”

Mara didn’t think a crowd could get as loud as it did when Luanda stepped onto the square. She wore golden armour on her chest, shoulders, elbows, waist, knees, and shins. What could be seen of her dark skin was all muscle. She had gloves on that gave her spiked fingers, and boots that had a spike on the toe and heel. Spikes also came from her elbow and knee armour. Her head was completely bald. She didn’t look out at the crowd, only looked at Ulfric.

“Fucking woman, her time is up,” Favian said.

The dirty man that had been taking Favian’s money came over. “Any more bets, sir?”

“Five hundred on the man. Ulfric, was it?”

Five hundred coins? Mara didn’t even know what that many coins would look like in a pile.

“I cannot take that amount, sir.”

“And I do not have that amount on my person. You know who I am. I will sign the papers.”

“You are sure, sir?”

Favian took the man by the hand and stroked it. “Do this for me, and I will repay the favour.”

The dirty man smiled and walked away.

The fight began. Ulfric swung his clubs at Luanda, missing her over and over.

“Fucking hit her, you lout,” Favian shouted. “Looks the part but couldn’t hit a fucking barn door.”

The crowd cheered with every swing and miss. Then Ulfric caught Luanda on an elbow plate and made her stumble. The crowd gasped.

“That’s it, that’s it. Follow up, you bastard, follow up,” Favian shouted.

Please don’t let him win any money.

Ulfric stopped his chase as Luanda paused in front of one of the guard’s shields. The guard moved his feet and knees into position for impact. Ulfric threw a club. It missed, clanging off the shield behind Luanda as she dodged. The guard rushed forward and knocked Ulfric to his back with the shield. The man in white ran to the guard and shouted at him. Boos came from the crowd as the two fighters were brought back to the middle of the square and made to start again.

Mara could see that Luanda had just been playing keep-away with Ulfric. She’ll attack soon, and the fight will be over. I wonder which spike she’ll do it with. Mara looked at Favian. I’d like her to spike you. Favian didn’t look away from the fight. He sat right on the edge of the bench, standing occasionally to shout.