Page 56 of Unstoppable Shadow

Ulfric looked like he was getting tired. He moved slowly and didn’t swing his remaining club so often. Luanda scratched at his arms with her spiked fingers. Before long, Ulfric’s arms were shiny red, and the square was dotted with fresh blood.

Ulfric lunged forward. Luanda dodged, slammed her knee into his stomach, then twirled away with her arms raised to the crowd. Ulfric dropped to his knees, holding his belly.

“No, no. You fucking idiot. Stupid fucking bitch,” Favian shouted and threw his wine bladder into the crowd.

Shut up. Just shut up.

Ulfric shook his head and threw his club to the side. He said something to the man in white, but the man in white only looked to Luanda as she stepped closer. Ulfric shook his head harder, saying something that couldn’t be heard above the crowd. He’s given up.

Luanda spun and, with a straight leg, slammed her heel spike into the side of Ulfric’s head. Ulfric collapsed sideways, legs twitching. Why didn’t they let him quit?

Favian stood as the crowd cheered, and Luanda’s hand was raised. “Come on, we’re going.”

Outside of the fighting arena, Mara leant against a wall as Favian talked to various people. Come on, I’m tired. Why’s he gotta talk to so many people?

Mara spotted the dirty man who’d taken all Favian’s money standing not far away, smiling.

Favian nodded at the dirty man, then walked over to Mara. “You know how to get back from here?”

“I think so.”

“Don’t wait up and don’t touch my bed.” Favian took a few steps away, then turned back and threw two silver coins to Mara’s feet. “Eat something.” Then he walked over to the dirty man. They hugged and walked away together, Favian’s hand on the dirty man’s arse.

Mara looked at the two coins on the floor and spat on them. I’d rather get caught stealing by the guards than take your money.

Silas arrived in Sevens Helm just as the sun came up. Memories flooded back with the stench of the place. Long nights in the rain, following people from place to place until they led him to a gang leader. Who he’d then kill, usually after Favian had sodomised them.

He walked with a slight limp past the quiet dispute arena. Litter from the previous night’s events was strewn across the ground. I’ll have to pay it a visit if I get the time. Try to win back some of the money I lost there.

He headed straight for the docks. It took all of his strength to pass by several places that sold ale or wine, which were just starting to open their doors. Keep walking, keep walking. He knew if he went in, he wouldn’t remember coming back out. He needed to find a place on a ship, or at the very least somewhere to spend the night. There was going to be no more drinking alcohol now, anyway. He’d promised himself so when he left Witswick. For whatever that was worth.

The smell of fish almost made him heave when it first hit him. Not a fishing vessel, I can’t put up with this smell for days on end. He passed by several noisy fishing boats preparing to leave the dock. He’d have to come back if he

had no luck elsewhere. Besides, he was looking for a one-way ticket, not a round trip.

The Devil Birds shrieked all around. A sound he’d forgotten how much he hated. He watched a few fighting over something, several ripping the white and red feathers out of one with a fish in its beak. It brought back memories of seeing one take the fingers off a child once. Hideous things. But the locals liked them, believing them to bring luck to the city. Nothing lucky about having your fingers bitten off.

Silas walked up the gangplank of Mermaids Whisper, a large ship that looked to transport people and cargo rather than catch fish. It was quiet, only one old man rubbing at the railings. Silas expected the man to hear him as he walked over the deck, but the old man didn’t look up. “Hello there.”

The old man jumped. “What ya doing there, boy? Sneaking up on an old man’ll give him a heart attack.”

Makes sense. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“You didn’t scare me.” The old man wiped his hands on his dirty brown shirt. “What you want, anyway? Ship don’t leave for five days.”

“I am after passage for hard work.”

“You don’t look like you ever seen hard work. Let alone at sea.”

“True, I haven’t been to sea, but I know hard work.”

“You look skinny, boy. Like you not been eatin’.”

“Had a touch of fever, my appetite will return.”

“We don’t want no fever aboard. Captain won’t have it.” The old man rubbed at the railings again.

“I can help you now, how about that?”