I gathered myself to my feet and hauled her up into my arms earning sly looks from several men around us and covetous looks from the women. If I could have her like this forever, I would, but for now–turkey legs and beer it would be.

We feasted a bit savagely biting our oversized drumsticks and feeding each other meaty portions off the bone. Sierra giggled and I kissed her greasy lips with mine tasting the smoky meat and bitter tang of beer I hadn’t crafted myself. It was delicious in a primitive way I’d always remember.



“Oh my god, is that Sierra?” The strange girl I didn’t recall approached me like she might hug me and I wasn’t thrilled with being close to anyone I didn’t know. I had a hard time hanging out with the girls because their boyfriends were best friends with Andy and I only touched upon their lives a few times ten years ago.

“How are you?” She asked implying something that made my stomach bubble.

“I’m sorry, I’ve been away. Have we met before?” I looked back and forth between Kristen, Taylor, and Lia.

“Becky. We had a few classes together, but you left suddenly.” She shrugged her shoulder pushing up her very large and very fake boobs in my face. I’d been around the block and enough women in dressing rooms to recognize a boob job when I saw one. I wasn’t judging, but I suspected her fake tits were meant to distract men from her less than stellar personality.

I grimaced. “I did, that’s correct. Personal reasons.” I sipped my drink slowly and imagined all the ways I could drop it or spit it on her.

“Is it true you were a stripper?” Her eyes rounded as she loudly whispered my last occupation to the entire bar. I swallowed the drink and the knot in my throat. I wouldn’t have minded nearly so much if she’d been curious, but her tone made it sound like I was a shameful thing and banned from Bingo, and the obligatory church picnic. I’d worked through some of this in my rural Lancaster layover, but I didn’t need to unload my personal shit in a crowded bar on a Saturday night. I didn’t owe her or anyone an explanation.

So instead of punching her in the mouth and loosening a few of her too perfect, too white teeth like my clenched fist wanted to do, I merely smiled and said, “Actually, it was a burlesque show.”

I felt more than saw the ladies behind me bristle.

“That’s the same thing isn’t it? You get naked for money don’t you.”

I kept swallowing down that humble pie until I was sick of the taste and chuffed, “Different. More entertaining though.” I was about to get up and leave because–again, I was under no obligation to put up with some stranger’s shit when a hand rested on my back and Kristen stepped forward with a presence that would have rivaled Joan of Arc.

Kristen glared at Becky up and down. Her eyes narrowed as she set her glass down on the bar prepping to fight.

Time slowed for a second as her drink sloshed over the rim of the glass. The tension in the air thickened to oil and venom as she unleashed her claws. “Oh look, it’s cheap vodka and regret, I knew I smelled you Becky.”

Becky barked out a hollow laugh practically rolling her eyes out loud. These two had history, I didn’t know what but the show was going to be fun to watch. “Oh Kristen, always the comedian. How are your therapy sessions coming along.” She twirled her hand and a ring with a rock the size of Gibraltar glittered. I doubted it was real, but it was the kind of in your face conversation started or a weapon. I was hedging closer to weapon based on the dialogue between these two.

I scanned the bar and made eye contact with David. He might not be my biggest fan, but this was half his bar and business interest. He left his two top table and computer to lumber over toward the gathering of ladies about to rumble.

Kristen scoffed. “Pretty good, I’m only half feral, but I’ll still kick your scrawny ass.” I put my hand on her arm gently and she stepped back as David joined us. His hulking size didn’t do anything to cool the vibes in the air but it separated us from a hair pulling, nail scratching ordeal.

“And this is why ladies night is on Thursday. Time to go.” David winked at me and escorted Becky to the back entrance of the bar. I mouthed the words, Thank you, and he nodded. He knew Becky was trouble and while I expected a lot of people to dislike me, even hate me, I wasn’t prepared for the full on vitriol of someone who actually knew of me or a piece of my past. Judgement was a funny thing and feeling under the microscope meant I also had to self-examine the ugly parts of myself. Becky was good at pouring accelerant on the fire, but I was even better at sparking the match and setting the blaze.

“What just happened?” Lia asked examining us. I couldn’t reconcile it either.

“The feud between Kristen and Becky is legendary.” Taylor explained going on to give Lia the cliff notes version. I only knew part of this story and hadn’t been around to see its conclusion until now. “Becky dated Chase off and on for a while. She’d play it up when she thought Chase was going to play pro but he got injured right before college and then switched majors.”

“The ball bunny dumped my brother right after his surgery when he said he wasn’t going to do the physical therapy and additional surgeries to play again.” Kristen huffed taking a sip of her drink.

“That’s terrible. What a bitch.” Lia slapped her hand on the bar and then winced waving her palm in the air. I was with her on that one.

“Well, karma got her back because Chase is a successful veterinarian and he’s so in love Winnie. They are going to make amazingly cute babies if she gets over childbirth.” Kristen cooed.

“She really likes Remi’s baby and she’s over there a lot helping.” Taylor nodded encouraging.

“Chase isn’t getting younger and I know he’d love to be a dad someday.” Kristen sighed and I had a feeling if anyone was going to be an auntie she’d make it happen.

“How about us wee younglings get a break?” Lia held up her glass and I toasted with her.

“Here, here. I’m all for that.” We drank more leisurely as the girls included me in their conversations. I couldn’t say I had real girl friends like this before.

Having learned to be alone most of the time and wary to trust did things to a person. I wasn’t normal in my eyes, but I concluded that this was nice. This feeling of belonging and getting invited to morning yoga and brunch. Texting Louisa for a spa day and finding out if Carmen would have her bacon maple cupcakes on her seasonal menu soon. Taylor had home design appointments lined up all week, but she was more than happy to carve out some time to visit the vineyard with me and see what we could in the cottage space I occupied.