The night ended on a positive note for a change and my phone had little calendar dates in it that made me smile. David returned to his table and hid behind his computer doing spreadsheets and whatever else he was responsible for. Andy breezed in and kissed me on the forehead saying he’d be with me in a minute and I felt like I could actually do this. I didn’t have to tuck tail and run. There was more than enough here and if I left myself just accept the uncomfortable parts I could do this.

“A little bird told me there was an incident earlier. What happened?” Andy leaned over the bar, his hands catching mine.

I peeked back at David’s table, but he was gone. “A little bird? More like a bald eagle.”

“I’m glad he was here then. What did Becky want?”

“Just to embarrass me. Or humiliate me. Take your pick.” I mumbled over my glass of ice water sucking on the ice and letting it melt in my mouth in an attempt to cool my temper.

“She isn’t worth it.”

“I had fun with the girls.” I deflected the conversation. I didn’t want to talk about Becky boob face or her ginormous ring that probably compensated for her man’s tiny dick.

Andy nodded knowing exactly what I was doing and we both accepted it.

“Let’s go upstairs.” He suggested holding out his hand and I was all for that.



“Behind the bar. Now.” Andy growled directing me around the polished bar top and down the hallway that ended with four magical options. The kitchen. The office which was christened last week. The doors that led upstairs to the apartments and lastly the broom closet where they kept actual cleaning supplies and brooms. It wasn’t a euphemism but I had a feeling that’s exactly what it would be once Andy got me in there under lock and key.

“Okay. Okay.” I shuffled leading the way and was correct when we bypassed the first two options. No kitchen. No office.

“Move it Occho.” He tapped my ass and I jiggled the door to the closet. Clearly, we didn’t have time to be climbing stairs and I was fine with that. It wasn’t the worst place to have sex nor did I think it’s be our only encounter this evening. Andy had the stamina of a bull like he’d been saving his spunk for the apocalypse, aka me.

“I got it Easton. Don’t get your briefs in a twist.” I snapped back opening the door to be shoved inside. I heard the lock engage and backed up. Not that I had far to go, but still. You can’t tell me a woman isn’t slightly intimidated, trauma history or not by an alpha male who is extremely interested in her stalking her backward in a dark closet for some clandestine sexy times.

“Something’s about to get twisted.” He muttered spinning me around.

Hate fucking came naturally to us like breathing air and drinking water when thirsty. Andy’s gentleness vanished and my need to have him fill me with something other than heaps of regret made me beg him for more.

“You sure you want to do this?” He asked hotly grinding his dick into my hip. There was no hiding his arousal and I wanted my hands jammed deep into his jeans rubbing my thumb over his slit and spreading his precum down his thick shaft. If he played his cards right, I’d sink down to my knees uncaring of what was on the dark floor and I fit my lips over him hollowing out my cheeks to suck him deeply.

“Are you playing chicken with me right now?” I asked biting the edge of his sharp chin. Playing chicken was a game we played as kids daring each other to go further and further until one gave up as the supreme winner. Andy might have called uncle a few times to make sure I didn’t do anything stupid because he was my shiny knight like that.

“Considering we haven’t had a proper game of chicken since we were sixteen or seventeen, I’m not sure what the limits are Sierra.” His chest backed me further into the corner as his arms wrapped around me preventing me from falling or hurting myself. To be honest, I didn’t know what my limits were either.

“How about we go with the good old stop lights for direction.”

“Very fifty shades, but I’m game to play if you are.”

“Cute Andrew.” I mumbled between his lips nibbling on my neck and his fingers popping the buttons on my blouse like candy dots on those paper sheets. He kept at it until he got to his favorite color of naked.

My hands fumbled with the buckle of his belt, unlooping it and having my very own tug of war until he grabbed my hips out of frustration to pump against me. I cried out far too sensitive to the friction against me.

“Shhh, Firefly.” He kissed my lips until I whimpered. The heat raged between us as if he’s stoked the fire and we liquefied all the chocolate for our s’mores. I melted against him stuck like a marshmallow with nowhere to go.

“I don’t remember you teasing my like this.”

“I don’t remember you being so desperate.” He growled against my ear licking the skin and biting my neck. I didn’t have to worry about going home later because no one would be there to see the love bites except for me in the mirror.

I tore at his jean button and scraped my finger pulling the zipper down. I would have cut myself up just to get at him. Feel him. Take him inside me and never let him go.

“Lift your leg, baby.” Andy propped my foot against the shelf across from us and pulled my hips closer to his heated flesh. I felt myself blush in the dark, something I didn’t think I was capable of after my past history. None of that mattered now, in the moment, with the one person I wanted to share this connection with. Sure we could go back to snapping at each other after the climax chilled but for now I would take whatever Andrew Easton was willing to dish out.

I rocked against him, the dark carrying a chill in the air that swept between the space of my legs. Exposed flesh damp from arousal and keen to meet together like glue finding its mate.