Arabella gave her an appraising look. “Then what’s the problem? A college degree is not going to do you much good in Clayton. The child is right next door. And the daddy is pretty good-looking, too.” Arabella arched a suggestive eyebrow. “The job sounds perfect to me.”

Brooke offered her standard line. “I don’t do well with kids.”

Arabella scoffed. “Get real. You’ve been playing with Jesse, Jamie and Julie since you arrived.”

“That’s different.”


“No, Arabella! I can’t. Something might happen.”

Arabella sat back, awareness dawning. Gently, she said, “That was years ago and you were a child. Let it go.”

Brooke glanced away from the piercing, pitying gaze. “I can’t.”

Julie popped up in front of her. “Mama says, ‘Don’t say can’t. Say you’ll try.’”

While Brooke pondered the wisdom of a four year old, footsteps sounded on the staircase. A teenager, dark brown hair swinging around her shoulders, entered the room. Her blue eyes sparkled with a fresh, wholesome prettiness Brooke had noticed the day of the funeral. Even though Jasmine Turner was Arabella’s foster daughter and not blood related, she’d come to the funeral and helped with the dinner afterward. Brooke, who’d liked her instantly, gave her extra points for being kind and considerate.

“Hi, Brooke.” Jasmine hoisted purse straps over one shoulder.

“Nice to see you again, Jasmine.”

“Where are you off to?” Arabella asked, turning toward the teen.

“Cade’s taking me for a burger and then we’ll probably go hiking or something.”


From Arabella’s clipped tone and closed expression, Brooke got the feeling Cade, whoever he was, was not popular in this house. “Who’s Cade? Anyone I know?” Brooke asked.

Jasmine’s chin thrust upward, defensive. “He’s my boyfriend, Cade Clayton.”

Brooke choked on her vanilla wafer.

“My reaction was the same,” Arabella admitted. “They’ve been dating awhile, although I’ve warned her about the other side of the Clayton family.”

“Cade’s not like them, Arabella. He works hard, and he treats me like a queen.”

“I know, honey, I know. It’s just that you’re both too young. You’re barely out of high school. The world is out there waiting.” She sighed heavily. “I hate to see you get this involved with a boy at eighteen.”

“I love him, Arabella. I can’t help it. We won’t be out late and you can call my cell if you get worried.” She leaned over and kissed Arabella’s cheek, wafting the scent of a freshly spritzed cologne. “Good seeing you, Brooke.”

Brooke wiggled her fingers. “Same here.”

Arabella closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath. Apparently they’d had this discussion before. “Enjoy yourself, honey. Be careful.”

Jasmine blew her another kiss and bounced out of the house, all youth and joy.

“She’s dating one of Cousin Charlie’s boys?” Brooke was still having trouble with that one.

“She is. He seems like a nice guy, but I’m so worried about her. Regardless of what she thinks now, and how he seems, we both know way more about Great-Uncle Samuel’s side of the family than she does. She’s convinced they’re in love and I’m terrified they’ll start making wedding plans any minute.” A shadow crossed her face. “I married too young and now I’m struggling to raise these babies alone. I want better for her. I can’t see how Cade Clayton can give her anything except a heartache.”

“They’re both still kids, Arabella. You know how fickle teenagers can be. Probably by autumn the romance will cool, she’ll go off to college and you’ll have worried for nothing.”

“I hope and pray you’re right. And speaking of prayer…” Arabella grinned. “How was that for a smooth transition to discussing church?”

“Very clever.” Arabella was as solid a Christian as Brooke had ever known, unlike Brooke whose faith was a little shaky most of the time. What had ever made her think she could be a missionary?