“Since you moved away, we’ve added some great programs. The Bible classes are relevant and interesting, and the Church Care Committee does such good things. We drive the elderly to the grocery store or shop for them, make meals for shut-ins, help with child care for singles. Things like that. If you want to stay busy, you can get involved at church. Are you coming next Sunday?”

“Maybe. Probably.” With a sigh, Brooke placed her tiny teacup on the coffee table and stood. What was wrong with a person who couldn’t even decide if she wanted to go to church or not? “I should go home. The old place needs a lot of cleaning before I can sleep at night without sneezing.”

“I wish I’d had time to keep it up better.”

“You did fine, Arabella, and I’m grateful for that much. The place is livable. I can do the rest. Cleaning will keep me from going stir-crazy, at least for a while.”

At the front door, Arabella laid a hand on Brooke’s arm. “I’m glad you’re back. I’ve missed having family around me.”

Brooke’s conscience tweaked. Life had been hard for Arabella and she’d handled everything from Grandpa’s death to a divorce alone. “Why don’t you and the girls come over for lunch tomorrow? Maybe by then I’ll have the kitchen sanitized and groceries in the fridge.”

“That sounds great, honey, but I’ll be working.” Arabella baked delectable cakes and pastries for the Cowboy Café.

“You work too much.”

“Someone has to feed the three little monkeys.” Arabella wiggled Jessie’s ponytail. The four year old hugged her mother’s side and grinned.

“Yes, but still…” Brooke snapped her fingers. “Hey. Let’s plan a spa day. You, me and Jasmine. A girl’s day out at Hair Today. While Deanna works her artistry on us, we’ll work ours on Jasmine. Who knows, we just might convince her that Mr. Cade is Mr. Wrong.”

Arabella’s eager expression made Brooke wonder if she ever took time for herself. “My budget is pretty tight. I don’t normally spend money at the beauty parlor.”

“Which makes a spa day all the more special. My treat. I insist.” Okay, now she really needed a job. “Pick a day and I’ll call the beauty shop for appointments.”

“You know what? That sounds wonderful. I’ll look at my calendar and give you a call this evening. Okay?”

“Perfect.” Feeling much better than she had when she’d arrived, Brooke gave her cousin a quick hug. “Talk to you later.”

As she headed to the door, Arabella’s voice stopped her. “As much as I love this idea, I’m pretty sure your financial situation is not much better than mine, Brooke. I think you should reconsider Gabe Wesson’s offer. You need to work, and that little boy needs you.” When Brooke opened her mouth to protest, Arabella lifted a finger. “No, you listen to me. I’m the oldest and I know stuff.” She grinned a little. “Think about that child. He shouldn’t be dragged around to a dangerous mining zone. He could get hurt. Then how would you feel?”

Hadn’t she thought the same thing? “Oh, Arabella…I don’t know…”

“Promise me one thing?”

Brooke smiled. “Because you’re the oldest and you know stuff?”

“Exactly, and don’t you forget it.” Arabella was a gentle soul with the heart of a bulldog. “Pray about that job offer. Pray hard. A mine is a dangerous place for a child.”

Brooke nodded and started down the steps toward her car. For the rest of the day Arabella’s ominous words rang in her head.

A mine was a dangerous place for child.

Chapter Five

A girl could clean only so much before she went berserk. Or had a lethal allergy attack.

Brooke sneezed as she spritzed furniture polish on the antique armoire in the den and rubbed the golden oak to a shine. The den was one of her favorite places in the house, sprawling and cozy at the same time with glass doors that looked out over the backyard. This time of year Mom’s deep blue flower bushes, planted to attract butterflies, were breathtaking. Dad had remodeled the house specifically to create this room. The glass doors had provided a clear view of Brooke and her siblings playing outside while Mom and Dad relaxed in the evenings. Anyway, that’s the story she’d been told. The remodeling had come before Lucy.