I pressed the button, wondering what he wanted. I paced by the door while I waited for him to knock. When he did, I opened the door, leaning against it.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t leave you like this. Something is obviously wrong. Look at you, you’re shaking.”

“I’m fine,” I stammered, my heart pounding. I was both shocked and touched by his concern.

“You don’t look fine. Call me overprotective, but I cannot leave you like this. Either you let me inside or I’m sleeping on your porch for tonight.” He glanced around, folding his arms across his chest. I scowled at him. “Pretty cold out here already.” It was barely two in the afternoon and the sun was still out.

“Fine.” I let the door swing open. He flashed me a smile and walked inside, shutting the door behind him.

“I knew you wouldn’t let me freeze.”

I rolled my eyes and motioned for him to follow me.

“I was just about to make some lunch, if you want some.” Cringing, I thought about Coop and having to race out of the restaurant.

“Sounds good. But you sit down and let me make something. Please?” he added when I opened my mouth to protest.

I sighed. It would be easier just to give in and let him help. It was obviously the only way to get rid of him. "Fine," I sighed.

He busied himself in the kitchen as I sat at the table, my head resting in my hands. My mind was still on Coop. Seeing him had been such a shock. He'd looked good.

"Do you actually have any food?" I glanced up. Roman was leaning against the kitchen counter. He looked amused. Shit. I still hadn't gone shopping.

"I'm really not that hungry anyway," I replied.

"You have to eat, Beth. Let me order a pizza."

"Okay," I agreed.

He pulled out his phone. "What do you like?"

"Whatever," I muttered. Right now, I couldn't care less about what toppings were on my pizza.

After he'd ordered, he convinced me to join him in the living room. I followed him in there, sinking down into one of the black leather recliners. Roman picked up the remote and turned on the TV.

"Seinfeld?" he asked. I shrugged, resting my head on the armrest. He sat down and quickly became engrossed in the sitcom. I loved that he didn't try and force conversation on me. The last thing I felt like doing at the moment was talking. We watched the TV until lunch arrived, then continued to watch it while we ate. I managed about half a slice of pizza.

"I might go to bed," I

said, pushing my plate over onto the coffee table. "I think what I need is a good night’s sleep."

He studied me for a moment and then nodded.

"You can go if you like. I promise I'm fine."

"Okay. I'll leave you alone. But promise me you'll call if you need anything?"

I nodded. I stood up and walked him to the door.

"Sweet dreams, beautiful." He kissed me on the nose. I locked the door after him and trudged down to my bedroom.

Stripping my clothes off, I climbed into my huge empty bed, pulling the covers up tightly around my neck. I hoped what I was feeling could be cured by sleep. But somehow I doubted it.

Chapter Seven


Arriving home, my mind was still on Beth and this afternoon at lunch. One minute she had been happy and laughing, and the next she was in the midst of a panic attack. The urgency in her voice when she’d come back from the bathroom had scared me. My first thought was that she’d been attacked or confronted by someone, but then she kept assuring me she was okay . . . now I didn’t know what to believe.