“That’s a lot for a child to deal with.”

“It is. But going through what I have was a big part of getting me where I am today.” Well, not so much messed-up Beth. Or maybe my childhood had an affect on that too. Who knew? I pushed my chair back and stood up. “Bathroom,” I explained, smiling at the confused expression on his face.

“Do you want me to order for you?”

“Sure. A chicken Caesar salad, thanks.” I hurried off toward the bathrooms, the urge to pee coming out of nowhere. That’s what I got for starting the day off with two coffees and a glass of wine.


I froze in the hallway just up from the bathroom. Please, no.

“Beth. I . . .” Coop’s voice trailed off. He shook his head, clearly shocked to see me. “I can’t believe it’s you.”

“What are you doing here?” I whispered. I leaned against the wall, feeling dizzy, like I was about to faint. For weeks I’d imagined to myself what I’d say if he were in front of me, and here we were. His deep blue eyes bored into mine, as if he was searching for something.

“I’m here with . . . never mind that, why have you cut me out of your life? I thought we were friends.” He frowned at me as my mouth gaped open. He thought we were friends? I pushed past him as the tears began to sting. I wasn’t going to cry. Not here.

“Beth, wait!” His voice echoed down the hall, a sense of urgency noticeable in his tone. I rounded the corner back into the restaurant area and rushed toward Roman.

“Can you take me home, please?”

He nodded and stood up, taking my arm as he scanned the room. Was it that obvious that something had upset me? Thank God he didn’t ask questions.

He just led me toward the exit, my hand clenched firmly in his.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded, my fingers fiddling with the silver dress ring that donned the middle finger on my right hand. Anything to take the focus off what had just happened.

He started the car and pulled out of the parking lot. We drove the few blocks to my place in complete silence. As we reached my front gate, I gathered my things, ready to make a quick exit.

“Beth, wait.”

I jumped as his hand touched my thigh.

His brow furrowed as he studied my face. “Will you talk to me?” he asked gently.

I shook my head, and forced myself to smile. “I’m fine. I-It was just a panic attack.”

He didn’t look convinced, but he nodded. “Can I call you?”


Chapter Six


I leaned over the bathroom sink, struggling to breathe. I couldn’t believe he was there. After two months, seeing him had shocked me. He’d looked good. Who was I kidding—he had looked fucking incredible. He was Coop: tall, sexy, with the deepest blue eyes. My heart ached for him.

“Fuck.” I lifted my head and stared at myself in the mirror. The small amount of mascara I’d put on was now streaked down my cheeks. “Why can’t this just be over?” I muttered. I’d do anything to rewind to that night. I just wanted the old me back, only I didn’t know how to do that.

The intercom rang. I splashed cold water on my face, patting it dry with a hand towel. I still looked like a mess, but not nearly as bad. As I approached the intercom, I wondered who it could be. Did I want it to be Coop?

Yes…No…I felt so confused.


“Beth, it’s Roman. Can you buzz me in?”