“Well, he’s in OJ now, standing over two murder victims and talking to the sergeant.”

“Are there any witnesses?”

“Doesn’t look like it.”

Hunter said, “Something fishy’s going on here.”

“No joke.”

“I’m coming down.”

“Hunter, you’re in court.”

“Thanks, Raymond, you don’t have to stay around.” She hung up as Truman approached her.

“Bad news?” Truman asked.

“Truman, I’ve got to go.”

“Go where?”

“There’s some things I can’t explain right now. I know you’ll do the best you can for me. I’ll call you.” She was walking out of the courthouse as she spoke.

Truman held up one hand as if to stop her, then lowered it. “And I was having such a good day, too.”


Hunter drove to Marfa in record time, then changed clothes and debated about whether or not to take a weapon into Mexico. She decided against it, and placed her Service weapon back in the drawer. Her phone rang and when she answered, Raymond spoke.

“I’m gonna wait for you down here.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Rockman’s still here, giving orders like he’s the president of the country.”

“Don’t let him get to you.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about. I figure I’ll hang with you down here until he leaves, you two having such a great history and all.”

“Thanks,” she said. “So, you’re still at the scene?”

“Yeah, about two miles outside of town, South, near the railroad tracks. It’s the only building out here. You can’t miss it.”

“I’ll be there in about an hour. Will you still be there, or do you want to meet someplace else?”

“I don’t see this winding up anytime soon. Oh, and Hunter?”


“The other guy with Bobby? They ID’d him as Anacleto Holguin. Don’t know if that means anything to you, but I thought I’d mention it.” The name stirred something in the back of Hunter’s mind, but that was it. Raymond continued, “Know what else? They killed Holguin with a flint-tipped spear. A damn Clovis point, biggest one I’ve ever seen in my life. How do you figure something like that?”

“I wish I knew,” Hunter picked up her keys and said, “I’ll have my cell, so call me if things change.”

“On a cell phone? Between here and there? I heard it happened once about three years ago, during a full eclipse or something.”

“See you in an hour.” She hung up and let the back screen door slap shut as she got in her pickup and drove out of Marfa.

When Hunter arrived, the wind was increasing and a dark storm cloud rumbled in the distance. She parked beside several Ojinaga Police cars. As she walked toward the old front doors, something fluttered at the top of the building. She looked up and saw a short piece of something that looked like a kite tail or a piece of cloth dancing on the breeze. It was so short that she couldn’t see it except when the wind made the cloth dance. She went inside and through the large building, following the sounds of people until she came to the kill room.