Seeing Bobby bothered her, but she didn’t let on. Raymond was nowhere in sight, but Rockman saw her, and whispered to an Ojinaga Lieutenant. The Lieutenant came over to her and said, “Agent Kincaid, what is it you wish here?”

She looked past him to Rockman. “I need to talk to Sheriff Rockman. It’s important.” The Lieutenant hesitated, and Hunter walked by him and stopped by Wayne.

“Wayne, can I talk to you in private?”

“Sure.” He led them to a corner. “What is it?”

“I need for you to let me stay around. Don’t make them toss me out.”

“Why? Hunter, it’s like I told you, Bobby was gonna get killed, and your name is some of the last ones to show up on his telephone before we found him. You’re not in a good position here.”

“It’s not about Bobby Mata.” She took a deep breath, “I’ve had Bobby looking for a little Indian girl over here.” Wayne’s eyebrow went up. Hunter said, “We caught her a while back, and she was an orphan, barely fourteen years old, a little thing, and we V-R’d her, let her voluntarily return to Mexico. I found out she was still in the area, and Mata said he’d help find her.”

“Why would he help you?”

“He said because I’d gotten rid of El Lobo, an enemy of his, and because he was half Tarahumara, and that’s what the little girl was, a Tarahumara.”

“How touching.”

“It’s what he said. He called me a couple days ago and said he’d found her and would have her with him.”

“For how long?”

“Till the trial was over.”

“It’s not over, is it?”

“No,” she left it at that.

Rockman looked at her a long moment. “So, you think the girl was here, with Mata? That maybe she saw everything? Everybody here?”

“I don’t know, but I’d like to have a chance to look. I won’t be a bother.”

Rockman rubbed his chin and said, “Okay, but stay out of the way.”

“Thanks, Wayne.” Hunter moved away as Rockman talked again to the Lieutenant. She saw Raymond coming in from the back door.

Raymond said, “They had me out back, seeing if we could find anything.”

“Did you?”

“Some tire tracks, six sets of footprints.”

Hunter was interested, “What kind of sign?”

“It wasn’t good cutting, but I made out a military boot with vibram lugs, a smooth sole shoe with heel, cowboy boots, a couple of big work boots, size thirteen or so, and one huarache track.”

Hunter’s pulse jumped, “Was it small, like a kid’s?”

“Yeah, it was.” Raymond said, “Look, Hunter, you need to level with me so I can help you.”

She nodded, “I know it sounds stupid, but I’ve been trying to find that little Indian girl we arrested.”

“Anda,…something or other?”

“Yeah. I didn’t think you’d remember her.”

“She was impressive. What she’d gone through.”