Bobby thought about it, how the money he spent on the Toyota would relate to her world, and finally he said, “Yes.” Anda nodded, sliding her palm across the dash as if she had never felt anything so exquisite. Bobby was touched at how small and worn she was. The edges of her skirt were dirty and in tatters, and the huarache sandals on her tiny feet were scratched and stained. Her blouse and shawl were relatively clean, but here and there were grass stains and small smudges of ash. Her face and hands were clean, and her dark, dark eyes were bright and clear, but her cheeks were drawn, almost shrunken.

Bobby couldn’t imagine when the last time was that she had eaten a hot meal. He asked, “Are you hungry?”

She hesitated, then said in a small voice, “I have hunger, yes.”

“I too am hungry. I know a place close by where we can eat. Would you like to stop?”

“If you are hungry, then yes.”

“Good,” Bobby said, “It is called El Soldado, and everything they have is delicious.”

“Anything would be good.”

She was so shy, Bobby thought. “Then we must try everything! We will order breakfast, lunch, dinner, and all their desserts! It will be our special fiesta!”

She smiled at him and her eyes shone. Her heart felt funny, and Anda knew she felt different about this man from anyone she had ever met in her short life.

Bobby circled the restaurant twice, first close up to check any cars nearby, then one block out to see if any vehicles were hidden. When he was satisfied, he drove the Toyota to the rear and parked near the back door to make it easier to see through the windows if ambushers waited. Bobby got out and opened the passenger door for her, holding his hand out for her as she got down. He continued to hold her hand as they went into the restaurant.

The owners greeted the two and placed them at a large table in the back, then immediately began bringing items for them to taste. Anda was awestruck. She had never seen so much food, and it was still coming! Tostadas, red and green salsa, pico de gallo, chile con queso, stacks of hot flour and corn tortillas, guacamole, grilled quail, tender cabrito, beef fajitas with grilled onions and bell peppers, tamales, carne asado, carne guisada, steak ranchero, ranchero beans, refried beans, squash, okra, fresh sliced tomatoes, grilled chicken, and tilapia fillets so sweet and tender and flaky that Anda couldn’t believe it was fish.

The same new waiter who served Bobby the last time he was in the restaurant hovered close, making sure their glasses of iced tea were never allowed to empty. “Is everything satisfactory, Senor Mata?” He asked, “May I bring you something else?”

Bobby became annoyed when the man asked, “And who is our young princess here?”

Bobby read him then; this man was far too excited as he anticipated the answer. Bobby said, “She is my friend. Would you mind asking the owner if he will come to our table?”

“Is there something wrong, Senor?”

“No, the owner is a friend, and I wish to express my gratitude.”

The waiter smiled in relief and hurried to the kitchen.

When the owner arrived, Bobby talked quietly to him so Anda couldn’t hear. “Old friend, how long has your new man worked for you?”

“Is he not serving you well?”

“His service is almost excessive. The problem is, he asks many questions, personal questions. I remember that he was my waiter when The Angel waited in back for me. Maybe it is nothing, but one cannot be too careful.”

“Of truth.” The owner thought a second and said, “He started work for us only a week before you encountered Colonel Godoy. He is satisfactory, but I too have noticed that he gives you more attention that any of my other customers. Perhaps I should release him.”

Bobby said, “I wouldn’t have you do that if he’s merely curious. I’ll watch him more closely. I think that will be enough.”

“I will watch him as well, and so will the others. Many eyes are better than two.”

“Thank you, my friend.”


Johnny Barbosa drove the station wagon into Felipe Godoy’s circular driveway and parked behind a long black limousine.

Jesse said, “That wasn’t here last time.” They checked it over, then walked to Godoy’s front door and rang the bell. A tinny voice came out of a speaker beside the doorbell button telling them to come in. They walked into the living room where Felipe reclined in a Lazy-boy with a heating pad on his stomach and a glass of brandy in his hand. The bottle was on the stand beside the chair, and his pistol was beside the bottle.

Felipe stared at their heads, then said, “Come in, sit down.” He started to speak, then sighed and said nothing.

Jesse sat on the couch and Johnny said, “You got any tequila?”

“This is one-hundred year old brandy. The finest.”