“I’ll be waiting.”

“Manana, then.”


The two hundred miles to El Paso went fast. Hunter checked in before midnight and was in bed a half-hour later. She was tired, but her mind wouldn’t shut off. The last time she looked at the clock it read 2:30 AM.

Hunter awoke an hour before the alarm sounded. She showered and dressed, sat around, read from a James Lee Burke paperback, then opened the door before Truman could knock.

He had a brown paper sack under his arm and put it and his briefcase down as he said, “Got some egg and potato tacos for breakfast. Coffee’s good here at the front desk, in case you want to get us some.”

Hunter took a tray and went for coffee as Truman finished laying out the papers from his briefcase. She returned with four large cups, and they ate and sipped coffee as Truman went through their game plan, showing her files, photos, and reports as they went along. Most of it Hunter remembered, but every once in a while Truman would bring up a point from a different perspective and she would see how it could be taken wrong. She had to present things in the right light because this one was going to be close.

At fifteen minutes before the hour, Truman said, “All right, that’s it. Let’s get down there and kick some posteriors.”


When they arrived at the courtroom, Hunter’s brother and his two assistants were already there. Truman walked to them and said, “Hey Ronnie, I hope you’re wearing a protective cup, because I’m gonna work over your cojones like Minnesota Fats shooting nine-ball.”

Ronald smiled at him, relaxed. “I thought you got suspended.” He looked past Truman, “Hey, Hunter.” Hunter nodded at him but didn’t speak. She walked to the other desk and sat down.

Truman lingered near Ronald. “I still can’t believe you’d go after your own sister.”

“Nobody should be above the law, not even members of my own family.”

“I hope you believe that, and you’re not just doing this for a political stepping stone. That would make you about the lowest human being I’ve ever met.”

“Think what you want, Truman. I don’t lie, and I don’t cheat. I love my sister, but from everything I’ve found on this case, it shows what she did was wrong.”

“Well, we’ll see how it turns out, won’t we? I hope you can still father children when it’s over.”

As Truman sat down there was a commotion at the back of the courtroom. Truman and Hunter turned to see Pepper Easton and her camera crew backing down the aisle, lights full on El Lobo’s widow and another two dozen relatives as the group moved down the aisle and took their seats behind Ronald.

Pepper wore a lime green mini skirt with deep-scooped neck and long sleeves. She turned and leaned across to touch Ronald on the shoulder and allow the cameraman to pan her best side.

Truman said, “I didn’t know they made dresses that short. If I was two inches lower in this chair, I’d see everything she’s got.”

Pepper turned toward Hunter and Truman and smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“What’d you do to her?” asked Truman.

“Told her I’d seen her naked and knew she wasn’t a real redhead.”

Truman said, “You have a way, yes you do.”

Hunter wasn’t nervous anymore. It was game time, and the waiting was over. She felt ready, alert. Just enough adrenaline flowed to keep things humming at their optimum efficiency. Her mind was operating on quicktime, everything seemed exceptionally clear and sharp, and she wasn’t fumbling for things to say. She’d always been this way, always fine once things started. The waiting was what bothered her. However this turned out, she was ready.

Hunter saw the bailiff stand and say, “Hear ye, Hear ye, the Honorable Judge Jack Pelham presiding.” A tall, gray haired man in black robes walked in and took his seat.

Truman patted Hunter’s hand and said, “Game time. You ready?”


Judge Pelham looked at both tables. His countenance was striking, with gray hair and thick black brows over eyes the color of steel. Judge Pelham rapped his gavel and said, “This court is now in session.”


Bobby Mata cruised through Ojinaga with Anda in the passenger’s seat. The Land Cruiser’s interior delighted her. She touched the dash, ran her hands over the seats and bent down to feel the carpet in the floorboard. She grinned at Bobby as she punched the buttons to change the radio stations. “This is very expensive, yes?” She asked.