“That sounds lovely.” Miss Chambers’ blotches had faded, but now a flush of excitement decorated her cheeks.

“I don’t wish to dampen your spirits, Mother, but Miss Chambers will most likely be at her new post by Christmas.”

His mother’s eyes gaze slid from Miss Chambers to him. “No, dear. Miss Chambers will definitely be here for the Christmas Eve ball.”

Penrose raised his eyebrows. “Indeed? Am I mistaken that Christmas is more than four weeks away? Surely you don’t think it would take Miss Chambers longer than that to secure a new post?”

“Of course not. Miss Chambers already has already accepted a new situation.”

His gaze swung to the governess. “You already have a new position?’

“Yes, indeed,” the dowager beamed. “I’ve hired Miss Chambers-Merry as she’s asked me to call her-as my companion.”

His jaw tightened as he glared at Miss Chambers who shrugged and tilted her lips in a slight smile.

The devil take it!

Chapter 5

Merry entered the drawing room to the sound of Miss Jennings, tittering. Everyone had already gathered to await the dinner announcement.

“Miss Chambers, would you care for a sherry before dinner?” Lord Brandon sauntered over to her. Dinner hadn’t even started, yet it was apparent he was already in his cups. Bloodshot eyes and a slight hesitation in his gait told the story.

“Thank you, no, my lord.”

Miss Jennings let out with another giggle at something the duke said. Merry glanced in her direction and swallowed a laugh. The woman wore a pink gown more suited to a young miss. Rosy cheeks on her otherwise sallow complexion grew as she flirted-there was no other word-with Penrose.

Heavens, where was the very proper governess who’d disparaged her? Merry’s gaze moved from the pink nightmare to His Grace. Her heart almost stopped. No man should be that handsome. His dark brown eyes above a strong jaw almost had her giggling like Miss Jennings. No padding had been necessary in the jacket that fit him like a glove, and his snug breeches outlined the taut muscles of his legs.

“They make quite a pair.” Lord Brandon leaned close to her ear, his brandy-laced breath wafting over her.

Merry started at his words, then chastised herself for staring. “Whatever do you mean?”

Lord Brandon smirked and sipped his drink. “I think Miss Jennings has her eye on my big brother. Although, with you in the room, I don’t see how the poor woman has a chance.”

Heat rose from her middle and shot up to her face. Scanning the room for something else to comment on to calm herself, she caught His Grace staring at her, his look so intent she thought perhaps she’d forgotten to put on her gown. Her face grew hotter.

“Excuse me. There is something I must discuss with your mother.” She hurried away from Lord Brandon, the sound of his chuckle in her ear. Before she reached Kitty, speaking animatedly with a middle aged man unknown to her, one of the footmen announced dinner.

“Here she is now, Lord Moreland.” Kitty took the arm of the man and joined Merry. “Lord Moreland, I would like to introduce you to my companion, Miss Chambers. His lordship is one of our neighbors who occasionally grants us the pleasure of his company.”

“Delighted,” the man said, bowing slightly.

Merry curtsied. “A pleasure, my lord.”

He extended his other arm to her, and she placed her hand there, and the three sauntered into the dining room. Miss Jennings had a firm grasp on His Grace’s arm, and Lord Brandon viewed them over the rim of his glass as they quit the room. He winked at her as she moved past.

Once they’d settled into their places, footmen began pouring wine and serving the soup.

“Miss Chambers, am I to assume from your accent you are American?” Lord Moreland smiled at her as he raised his wine glass to his lips.

“Yes, my lord. I am from Boston.”

“Sir, I must commend you on your astuteness,” Miss Jennings said. “I believe Miss Chambers has tried, although unsuccessfully, to adopt proper English speech. ‘Tis a shame my young charges have picked up some of her American vernacular.”

Oblivious to the stunned silence following her words, she cast a smile at the duke, who frowned, then glanced at Merry.

Is he frowning because the girls are worse off than he thought?