She swallowed her annoyance as Lord Brandon leaned toward her. “Don’t let her get away with that.”

Merry shook her head and spooned the delicious pheasant soup into her mouth. She would not involve herself in a war of words with the governess. At least not in front of the duke. He already held Miss Jennings in high regard, and Merry would merely come across looking churlish.

After the second course had been served, and the footmen stationed at their places against the wall should anyone require their assistance, Lord Moreland turned his attention once again to Merry. “Tell us about Boston, Miss Chambers.”

Merry beamed. “Boston is a wonderful city, my lord. It has a long history, being one of the first cities settled after the colonists arrived. But now it is a bustling place, comparable to London.”

“Certainly nothing in the Colonies can compare to London?” Miss Jennings’ whiny voice grated on her ears.

Merry smiled at the governess. “Miss Jennings, you do remember we are no longer the Colonies? We defeated your countrymen-for the second time-a few years ago.”

The duke affected a choking sound, and Lord Brandon once again leaned toward her. “Bravo, my girl.”

She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself. This was neither the time nor place to indulge in petty bickering.

Lord Moreland saved the day. “What were some of your favorite places in Boston?”

Relieved, she happily returned her attention to him. “I loved every part of it, my lord. I enjoyed walking to Dorchester Heights and gazing out over the sea. We also have a new Science museum, and a wonderful library for the public where I spent a great deal of time.”

“You are interested in books?”

“Oh, yes. My father was a professor at Harvard.”

He frowned. “What encouraged you to travel to England?”

“Lord and Lady Bedford had just lost their dear nanny. She contracted a fever while traveling in Boston and died. My father had recently passed, and I thought a change of scenery would be beneficial, so I agreed to accompany them to England as their governess.”

“And how do you find England, my dear?”

“I’ve been here five years and grow to love it more each day.” Merry’s natural enthusiasm took over. “Everything is so green and lovely. I even enjoy the foggy and rainy days. When Lord and Lady Bedford were in London for the Season, I was permitted to visit the theater, museums and symphony.”

“I wonder why it is that a woman as lovely as yourself has not been snatched up by some young buck?” Lord Moreland cast her a warm smile.

Merry raised her chin. “I prefer to marry for love, my lord. And thus far that has not come my way.”

Miss Jennings snickered. “Miss Chambers, certainly you don’t believe marriage requires love?”

“Marriage perhaps doesn’t require love, but certainly makes the union more pleasant.”

With a wave of her hand, Miss Jennings dismissed her. “Such an American viewpoint. Marriages are to form alliances, strengthen the bloodlines, create heirs.” She smiled in her direction as if Merry were an unsophisticated child, attempting to discuss adult matters.

“I’m afraid I must agree with Miss Chambers.” The duke spoke to Miss Jennings, but his eyes never left Merry. “If one must spend the rest of one’s life with a woman, why not have it be someone you care deeply for?”

“Surely you jest, Your Grace?” Miss Jennings chided, her hand at her throat. “Someone in Your Grace’s position knows the duty in marriage.”

A few seconds passed, and then the duke directed his attention to Miss Jennings. “Of course. Every peer knows what marriage is all about.”

Miss Jennings threw a smug look at Merry.

The rest of the meal passed in pleasant conversation. The few times Merry glanced at the duke, his eyes were on her, assessing, causing her to want to squirm in her seat.

After the final course had been removed, Kitty stood. “I believe the ladies will retire to the drawing room and leave you gentlemen to your port. Ladies?” The dowager moved to the doorway, Miss Jennings and Merry in her wake.

Penrose studied the women as they left the room. His gaze drifted to Miss Chamber’s slender back, t

hen slid down to her lovely derrière and the gentle sway of her hips. He felt a tightening in his groin at the sight.

Miss Jennings might hold her counterpart in disdain, but Miss Chambers had shown more character and intelligence than three of Miss Jennings. He still thought Miss Jennings was the better governess for his wards. But his mind and body knew who he’d prefer to have underneath him in his bed, and alongside him at the dinner table.