“The flowers really are beautiful. Thank you.”

“I’m glad you like them. Now go get dressed. We have a lot to celebrate tonight. We have a winning artist to make feel special.” He winked before closing the door behind him.

Abby fell backward on the bed. What in holy hell just happened?



Dinner tonight was different. The seating arrangement was the same. Deacon was on one side and Cole on the other. The candles were lit. The wine had been poured. The food had been prepared by the chef the way it was every night. But she glanced between the two men and something felt different. The atmosphere was electric. She didn’t know how else to describe it. She saw them through new eyes.

“I’m being extremely selective who sees your design ahead of the trip tomorrow,” Deacon explained. “But I showed it our vice president of marketing. She was extremely impressed.” He smiled.

“She was?” Abby still couldn’t believe everything that had happened today.

Cole’s eyes shone. “It’s incredible what you did, Abby. Nothing compares to it. Deacon chose the perfect design.”

“It’s our passion project. And now you’re always going to be a part of it,” Deacon added.

She felt the swirl of giddiness invade her.

“Can you tell me about Vegas?” she asked. “What are we going to do there?”

Cole looked surprised. “You don’t know about Vegas?” he teased.

“I think I should know something about the trip, don’t you?”

“Of course,” Cole answered more seriously. “We have three days to present our quarterly financials to the shareholders. We like to wine and dine them once a year out of town. And of course there is always a media frenzy when we launch something new. No one knows the something new is the foundation.”

Deacon butted in, “And the press is going to want to see who we bring.”

This might be it. This might be her chance to ask. It was a question filled with something so taboo she couldn’t believe she kept going back to it.

“We?” She tried to look coy as she scooped a bite of roasted potato on her fork.

Deacon nodded. “Yes, we.”

Cole lifted the wine bottle from the table. “Would you like a refill? Tonight is a celebration after all.”

She nodded. “Thank you.” She felt like celebrating. Her art was going global and she had won her freedom on her own.

“Are you trying to ask us something, Abby?” Cole pressed her.

She felt the pink spread from her cheeks to her chest. She was embarrassed, but the innuendos were out of control. She had to know what in the hell they meant every time they mentioned sharing and giving together. It couldn’t possibly mean what she thought it did. Could it?

“I-I…maybe,” she sputtered on the words.

Deacon chuckled. “Oh come on, say it. Just ask.”

Cole reached for her hand. He squeezed it reassuringly. “Go ahead, Abby. Ask us.”

“Fine.” She pulled her shoulders back. “Do you both sleep with the same girl or something? Is that your thing?”

“Our thing?” Cole’s eyebrows were high.

“Yes. Do you share notes? Compare it? I don’t know. Take turns? You keep suggesting something. You’ve hinted and hinted. What is it? What am I missing? What is the relationship with women you have? It’s clearly something you do together. I know that much.”

Deacon’s grin was devilish. He took her other free hand, sliding his fingers between hers. His grip locked tightly.