She folded it and put it back in the envelope. She noticed under the second set of flowers was another card. She picked it up and read it.

Your art is sexier than your body. Congrats, sweetheart.


Holy shit.

They were dropping all barriers. They were letting her know exactly what they felt. She was a free woman. She didn’t have to spend another night under their roof. And they were treating her like a queen.

She sat on the bed with the two bouquets of flowers. One red. One white. She didn’t know which color represented which man. In her two weeks working and living with them, she had noticed they complimented each other. Cole seemed more serious and sensitive, while Deacon was fun-loving and challenging.

Something electric twinged in her core. Dear God, did she have a crush on them? And what was that stunt that Cole pulled today in her office? His hard body had felt warm and protective pressed into hers. She wanted him to stay there a little longer, but it didn’t make any sense. She should hate him.

She looked up when she heard the knock on her door.

“Come in.”

She expected to see Douglas, but it was Deacon.

> “Oh.”

“How was the rest of work today, sweetheart?” He laughed.

“It was a pretty amazing day. Thank you for the flowers.” She twisted her lips together. She didn’t know how to respond to the gifts.

“You’re welcome. Cole and I wanted you to know we care. He told me about your conversation today. He told me you’re hesitant about the trip. That you’re hesitant about us even after you and I talked.”

“He did?” She was surprised they had talked about it.

Deacon nodded. “We share everything, Abby.”

“Everything?” she questioned.

He took a step toward her. Her body responded with electricity at his nearness. She reminded herself she was here because she chose it. Deacon couldn’t keep her anymore.


His fingers lingered along her cheek.

They had referenced it so many times, but she was afraid to ask. Afraid she would sound like an idiot or a sexual novice. Did they share women like this? Was he implying they slept with the same women? She didn’t have the guts to ask him.

Instead, she held still while his fingertips trailed along her neck to the front of her throat.

“So damn beautiful,” he murmured before backing away.

Her eyes lifted to his. The touch had felt sensual. Something so small and innocent had her panties wet. She wanted another touch. Something more this time.

“Dinner is at six. Did Douglas bring you a gown?” he asked, changing the mood and the topic.

She nodded. “It’s in my closet.”

“I’ll see you downstairs soon.” He walked to the door.

She tried to think of how to stall him, but she knew it was wrong. Every impulse in her body was going against her heart and her mind. She should be throwing Deacon Evans out of her bedroom with everything she had, instead she was concocting ways to keep him here.


“Yes?” He turned at the door.