Page 78 of Virgin's Dirty Boss

The second girl came into the room, and Carter rolled his eyes. “No, who’s next?”

It was several moments before the third daughter came into the room, carrying a book with her. “I hope this is important.” She finally looked up from the text. “I have a test tomorrow.”

“It’s important, Scarlett.” Rocco wiped the sweat from his brow once more.

Carter’s mouth had fallen open of its own volition, and he closed his gaping maw with a snap. She had delicate features and a perfect body, as far as he could see through the dark navy sundress she was wearing. She was so much more poised than the other two, Carter wasn’t even sure they were actually related. He admired her dark hair that was tossed up in a bun on top of her head. She eyed him curiously with astounding purple eyes, having finally closed her book. Her lips were so plump and he immediately imagined them on his. She was trouble.

“She’ll do.” He surprised himself with the cool words, since he hadn’t planned to agree to Terini’s insane suggestion. He’d only meant to play with him a bit longer before executing the final maneuver for the kill. “Six months.” He ignored Darren’s look of shock. He knew it was crazy but he didn’t care, he had to have her.

Scarlett looked curiously at her father, obviously not quite understanding what Carter was talking about. “What’s going on?”

“Tell her, Rocco,” His made his amusement obvious.

Rocco nodded nervously. “Chrys, Lecy, you can leave,” he dismissed them, but they made no move to the door. “Go,” he shouted, and with wide eyes, they hurried from the sitting room. “I have a problem.” His tone had softened marginally.

“What’s wrong, Father?” Carter watched as she placed a comforting hand on her father’s arm. “Can we be alone?” she asked Carter and Darren impatiently.

“No. I have too large a stake in this.” She may not know it yet, but he would be sure Rocco would follow through on his promise.

Tossing her hair, Scarlett turned from him as Rocco began speaking. “I’ve lost the business, and maybe this house.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. What happened?” She was genuinely concerned, and for a moment Carter felt sorry for her.

“That’s not important.” Rocco waved a hand. “Mr. Braxton has generously offered me an extension on the deal.” His bitterness was blatantly evident. “But he wants some assurance I won’t back out.”

“What sort of collateral can you offer?” Scarlett asked. “If the house and the company are gone, what else is there besides the villa in Greece?”

“That’s gone too.” Carter offered. “He sold it last year to cover gambling debts.”

“That’s a lie,” Rocco shouted.

“Of course it is, Father.” Carter knew he wouldn’t believe her, even though it was true. It was a test, he was trying to determine her level of loyalty to her family.

“What do you want?” She turned to Carter, looking exasperated.

Carter smiled coldly. “You, my dear.” Ignoring her outraged gasp, he continued, “Your father offered one of his daughters for collateral, and I’ve chosen you.”

Scarlett shook her head. “No,” she whispered. “You can’t mean to do this, Father. You can’t expect me to agree to this. You just can’t.”

Rocco looked ashamed as he slid his gaze from hers. “We have no choice, Scarlett. If you don’t agree to his terms, we have to give him the house and sell everything to pay off the remaining debt.”

Scarlett shook her head again, more fiercely this time. “I won’t do it. Forget the house and the stuff in it. I’m worth more than that, Father. How can you pimp me out like this?”

Rocco’s mouth dropped and Carter remained amused. “It’s not like that. Mr. Braxton will treat you well—just like a guest. It’s just a safety net for his substantial investment.”

“How long is this arrangement of your supposed to last?” She asked angrily.

Carter liked how feisty she was. She would be hard to tame, but it would be worth it. He answered for Rocco. “Six months.”

She shook her head. “My classes—” She trailed off. “Where do you live?”

“About thirty minutes outside of San Francisco,” Carter said. “You can return to school when the six months are over.”

In a daze, Scarlett sank into a chair. Carter had the urge to go to her, to explain that it wouldn’t be as horrible as he was sure it sounded. He knew it was, in fact, horrible. But he wanted her. In ways he could hardly imagine.

“Please, Scarlett,” Rocco begged, grasping her hands as he bent forward. “I’m too old to start over completely. You’re only twenty, and I’m not asking you to sacrifice your life. It’s only a few months, and you’ll be well cared for.”

Carter watched as she sat up straighter with resolve. “I’ll do it.” He was impressed. Loyal to a fault.