Page 79 of Virgin's Dirty Boss

“Go pack,” Carter commanded, not asking. “And hurry back. I want to leave this Godforsaken mausoleum as soon as possible.”

“If you hate it

that much, why did you buy it?”

“I have my reasons.” He saw her lips purse as she stormed from the room.

Rocco paced nervously, finally saying in a rush, “I need more money to cover my debts. I’m still almost a million short. How can I possibly get that much together and still have enough to buy the house from you?”

“That’s your problem.” Carter’s voice was as cold as his heart. “I’m definitely not giving you the money, if that’s what you’re thinking, and I’m not extending the time limit either.”

A sly smile contorted the other man’s features. “She’s worth it, I’m sure.”

Carter gave him a blank look. What the hell was he going on about now?

“What she assumed—well, it is a logical assumption that a man like you would expect that. She’s still a virgin. I’m sure of that. She hasn’t been allowed to date many boys, and the approved ones all feared me. Wouldn’t that be worth a substantial amount?”

Darren coughed suddenly, and Carter sat there in shock, disbelieving what he was hearing. He didn’t even know how he’d found himself agreeing to this, but he hadn’t purchased a sex slave for the next six months. Her own father was trying to sell her virginity to him. His hatred of Rocco intensified, and Carter swore to himself that he would completely destroy him. “I’m not interested,” he said with admirable control.

With a furtive leer, Rocco directed a glance at Darren. “Perhaps your tastes run to other areas?”

Already grim, Carter’s mouth compressed even more. “I don’t happen to find the idea of a virgin sacrifice particularly appealing. Even a man like me has standards,” he said with a mocking inflection.

Rocco’s shoulders slumped. “Do you promise not to impede my attempt to get the money?”

“As long as it has nothing to do with my company,” he stressed, “Or this house, then I agree.”

Carter was saved from having to make further conversation with Rocco by the arrival of Lecy, avenging Carter. Her countenance was frozen and her eyes glittered as she snapped, “You aren’t taking her, you—” She seemed to struggle to find a word before settling for stomping her foot. “It’s barbaric and medieval. I won’t allow this to go any further.”

“We have no choice,” Rocco said firmly. “Save the theatrics, Lecy, and be grateful he didn’t choose you.”

She screamed in outrage before turning storming from the room. Darren covered a laugh with a discreet cough, but Carter grinned unabashedly. Thank God he hadn’t chosen that one, he thought.

Scarlett, cold and fiercely proud, came back into the room, lugging a heavy suitcase. “Will you send more of my things, Father?”

“Don’t bother.” Carter and Darren rose to stand beside her. “As she is my responsibility for the next six months, I’ll provide for her.”

Darren took the suitcase from Scarlett with a soothing smile. Carter envied how he could do that, he had never been the warm type, and then the scars. They certainly made things more difficult for him.

Carter followed behind him, saying to the still-motionless Scarlett, “Come along before I have to carry you.” She started walking immediately, without even a goodbye for her father.

As she walked all that Carter could think about were her full lips and the way her hips sashayed as she moved.

Scarlet was a spit fire beauty.

And for the next six months, she was all his.



At the door, Scarlett took her coat from the maid before following the two men, practically kidnappers, from her home. She looked back wistfully, seeing her sisters waving from Lecy’s balcony. She raised her hand in a brief wave before she was urged into the town car.

The man who had taken her sat down next to her, shadows playing on his chiseled features. He was a large man, muscular underneath his jacket. The one thing she couldn’t deny was how sexy he was.

She turned her eyes to the man across from her. It seemed ridiculous not to know their names if she was going to be spending the next six months in their company. “What’s your name?”

“Darren, Ms. Terini.” He flashed her a bright smile.