Page 93 of Nail Me 2X

“Yes. I noticed them talking to you last night, and I must say they are good looking.”

It amused me that she noticed their attractiveness too. On the other hand, it would be difficult not to notice that, since they were strikingly handsome—the kind that makes all eyes in the room fall on them. And if that wasn’t enough, they did an admirable job of saving people in need. I actually looked up to them, because it took a lot of courage and strength to do what they had done. I wondered if they had girlfriends or something. Probably. Guys like that aren’t just single.

“Yes, they are.” Something tightened in my chest when I remembered how sexy their smiles had been. They were every woman’s dream come true. “They introduced themselves to me, but I was so rude. I dismissed them without even thanking them.”

She frowned. “Bree! Why would you do that?”

I shrugged my shoulders, feeling slightly ashamed. In that moment everything was happening fast, so I couldn’t even think properly.

“I know. It’s just that the Red Cross volunteer had told me that you and I were going to be separated, and I started worrying... I was stressed, so I didn’t even realize what I’d done until it was too late. Anyway, I wish I could fix that.”

“Well, this is all the more reason why you should bake a pie and give it to them. That is the least they deserve. And not only that. You should apologize to them too.”

“I know, but I’m in a hotel, Granny. How can I bake a pie in a hotel? I would like to do that, but I obviously can’t.”

She shook her head with disapproval. “Then go to a store and buy it. You have to take a pie to them. We have to repay them somehow, and this would be a right thing to do. Besides, men love food, and I’m sure they would appreciate it.” She winked at me.

I laughed, knowing she was right. There was no man who would say no to a delicious pie.

“Alright, if you say so. I’ll buy it and take it to them. But I’m also telling them it’s from you.”

“That’s my girl. I wish I could make it myself, but...” Her lips went into a thin line, and I could easily read the sadness on her face.

I wrapped my fingers around her warm hand. “Hey. You’ll get out of here soon. We’ll find some new place and I’ll take care of you.”

“I know, honey. I believe in you. I just don’t want you to feel stressed about this. We’ll take the insurance money, and it will cover all the costs.”

“I still have to find that job. Now that my laptop is gone, I will have to find some other way to search for job. Maybe the library or a friend. I’m sure I can call someone.”

My heart squeezed painfully when I remembered that all our things had been ruined. We had nothing anymore, and it hurt me just to think that we had to start from zero and solve this mess we’d fallen into...

No. I had to stop these terrible thoughts, because if I thought about everything we’d lost... No. Enough. That wouldn’t solve anything.

I refused to think about it and joked with my grandmother for the remainder of my visit. I was glad she was in a good mood. I’d been worried they would place her in some facility where she wouldn’t be looked after well, but luckily that wasn’t the case.

She caressed my cheek, which was something she always did whenever she wanted to make me relax and feel better. “You can do this, Bree. You’re the strongest girl I know. If there is anyone who can find the solution, it’s you.”

“Thanks, Granny. I needed this.”

“Don’t you worry about all this mess. This will pass, and you’ll come out of this stronger than ever. Now, I think you should go and give those fellas a pie.” She winked at me again, making me laugh, and I shook my head. She was persistent, no matter what state she was in.

I stayed for a couple more minutes before I headed to the store. I made a call to the Red Cross volunteer who had given me her number and asked her to tell me which fire station responded to the call last night. She told me it was Firehouse 149, which was a mile away from the bakery.

I chose an apple pie to take to the station and walked there from the bakery. I felt slightly nervous because I had no idea how Caleb and Trent were going to react when they saw me. I had to apologize to them and explain why I waved them off like that. Hopefully, they would understand that I was just trying my best to handle everything.

I crossed the street, feeling a crushing wave of guilt in my chest. I felt terrible about the fire that had displaced so many people. It was horrifying knowing that in just one second everything could be lost, and I was grateful beyond words that no one died. If that happened, I didn’t know how I would have felt.

What if it had all been my fault? At least I thought it could be. That pot I left on the stove while I watched TV. I fell asleep. What if that was the beginning?

Was I to blame?

Granny was sleeping when I smelled smoke, which was my first clue that something awful was happening. Just as I jumped from the couch, I heard the cracking sounds that chilled me to the bone, and I ran into the kitchen immediately. A scream left my lungs when I saw the fire that raged all over our cabinets and electrical devices. There was no way for me to douse the flames by myself, especially when the fire escalated in a matter of seconds, reaching the hallway and other rooms.

I barely had time to reach my grandmother, whose room was in flames too, and I supported her on our way out of the place, her coughs and the sickening sounds of fire ringing in my ears. There was no time to pick anything to bring with us, so we just rushed out of the building in our pajamas, joining the crowd that had already gathered on the street.

I’d been so stupid. If I hadn’t left that pot... If I hadn’t forgotten about it...

Maybe none of this would have happened.