Page 94 of Nail Me 2X

I clenched my jaw, refusing to cry. No. Tears wouldn’t do me any good now. It would just make me feel worse, and I blamed myself enough already. At least no one was hurt, which was the most important thing. Hopefully, all residents would find new homes, and everything would be okay, in the end. Jesus, I prayed it would be. I couldn’t imagine it otherwise.

I’d do everything I could to help the other people. Anything I could offer them, I would. I’d make this right.

I had to.

After almost half an hour, I reached Firehouse 149, and I clutched onto the handles of the bag I carried. Once more, I felt flutters in my stomach from the excitement, and I wondered what their reaction would be. I was glad that I’d been gifted this dress, because it was a confidence booster, and I needed all the confidence I could get next to those two heartthrobs.

I took a deep breath and crossed the street in front the station. Time to start making amends.



It was unusually warm, so I’d had to take off my shirt when I went outside to wash the firetruck. I needed this distraction to stop thinking about the mysterious woman from last night. Even though she’d flatly rejected us, my mind kept returning to her. There was no denying that she was the hottest woman I’d ever seen.

Was she alright? She looked so lost and sad last night, which was understandable since she’d just lost her home. The fire did too much damage to that building to be habitable, and I felt sorry for all people who were displaced. The negative side of this job was that I had to witness people going through such traumatic experiences, and it sucked.

Just when I finished washing one side of the fire truck, I heard a female voice behind me.

“Um, hello?”

I turned around with a hose in my hand, and froze when I saw the woman in front of me... It was her! The woman from the last night!


I forced myself to continue breathing as I checked her out, letting my eyes roam over her sexy body. She was wearing a tight dress that barely reached her knees, and it was low cut, so it revealed her breasts... Man, did she have a nice pair of tits.

She was checking me out too, mostly my bare chest, and it was clear that she

liked what she saw, which made me hot. For a few moments all I could hear was the maddening thumps of my heart, and I tried to remember when the last time was that I’d been this attracted to some girl.

She didn’t raise her eyes to meet mine immediately, and when she did, blush covered her cheeks, as if she was embarrassed that I’d caught her staring at me.

“Hello,” I replied, turning off the hose. I put it on the ground and wiped my hands off on my pants.

She approached me and I noticed she was carrying a bag from the bakery. “I don’t know if you remember me, but you helped me and the other residents last night. The apartment fire?”

Was she serious? How could I have forgotten her?

I smiled at her. “I remember you.”

I wondered what made her come here since it was clear last night that she wasn’t interested in Caleb and me at all. In fact, it felt like we’d bothered her, so seeing her here today was completely out of the blue.

She smiled back at me, flashing me her perfect teeth. “I know I was rude when you and your colleague introduced yourselves to me, and I actually wanted to apologize. Here. Let me introduce myself to you. I’m Bree Taft. It’s nice to meet you.”

She extended her hand, offering me a handshake, and I immediately accepted it. My fingers itched to touch her, and when our hands connected, I was seriously tempted to grasp her wrist and continue touching the rest of her body.

“I’m Trent, and don’t mention it. We introduced ourselves to you at a wrong time clearly, so I completely understand your blowing us off.”

We still held hands, and I felt reluctant to let her go. My blood was humming with desire, and I wanted to do so much more to her than just touch her. I clenched my hand when she finally released it, trying to maintain some control instead of reaching out for her again.

“Still, my behavior wasn’t polite at all. I should have at least introduced myself. You know, by the time I looked for you, ready to apologize, you were already gone.”



“That’s too bad.”