Page 16 of Nail Me 2X



I woke up feeling like a different person. It was corny and cheesy but it was true.

After Adley showered last night we managed to coax her into spending the night, and letting us sleep in her bed. It wasn’t hard, but she was doubtful we could keep our hands off of her; she said we wore her out. We laughed and took our own showers in our separate bedrooms before we met her in the guest room.

She had an adorable sexiness to her in the way she looked in Levi’s shirt that was way too big. She had just smiled and shifted to the middle of the bed for us to lay next to her. She was right about her doubts because I just had to make her come on my hand again. Her pussy was fucking addicting, so sweet and tight. Levi fondled her delicious breasts and tight pale nipples until she came. Then, we finally went to sleep.

But I woke up before all of them and I had to get rid of my pent-up energy. I went down to the workout equipment in our garage. It came in handy especially when we don’t feel like going to the gym. I went for a run around the neighborhood. It was so hot I didn’t bother with a shirt. Then I went to work on the weights.

“You’re up early,” Levi boomed through the garage. I shook my head and kept going with my bicep curls.

“It’s barely even six yet.” I answered.

He scoffed and then got to his own routine. Pushups, squats, bench press, and sit ups.

“We have to talk about last night, man,” he said when we finished.

I drank down my bottle of water and shrugged.

“What about it?”

His green eyes lit up with mischief. I just laughed and shook my head.

“Adley. She was fucking amazing,” he groaned and rubbed his face. “Seriously, I’ve never been with a woman like her. And it’s not just the sex, she…I don’t know how to explain it.”

“Use your big words, Lev.” I mocked him. He frowned and shook his head once.

“Shut the fuck up. You know what I mean.”

I laughed. “Yeah, I know. She’s great. What are you getting at?”

“I don’t know. That we should do something.” His shoulders shrugged and he leaned against the cement slab wall.

“Like what? I mean, it’s hard for some women. It’s obvious she’s never been with two guys at once. She may not know it’s beyond sex.” I tried my best to explain.

Any time we had done that, it was under the pretense it was just once and then we were done with it. Adley was different. We both liked her as a person. Her personality, and her company. But I wasn’t sure how she was really feeling about anything.

“Yeah, that makes sense. Maybe we should talk to her?”

I laughed at Levi trying to figure out relationships. He didn’t do much with women besides have sex with them, and he was fine with that.

“Yeah, for starters. But we also have to get to work.”

“Right. You making breakfast?” he asked, but he wasn’t really asking. He was telling.

“Sure, man.”

We go inside and have our coffee like always. There were no sounds upstairs so I knew Adley was still asleep.

“We should figure out how to tell her we like her without scaring her off,” I said.

I made eggs and bacon and we both ate, starving from our workout.

“Sounds good. And how will we be figuring this out?”

“I don’t know, Lev.