Page 17 of Nail Me 2X

I don’t know.”



I woke up alone in bed. The space around me had gone cold, so I knew I had been alone for a while. When the memories came back a foolish smile found my face, and I stretched out dramatically.

My body was literally sore.

My legs especially, even my lips. From all the kissing and…I couldn’t even believe what I had done. Two men, at the same time. Together. We had sex. It was insane and far past anything I ever thought I would do. And not just two men at the same time, but Levi and Tate.

Two very sexy, masculine, experienced men. It was obvious they were very versed in hot, steamy sex. I didn’t know how many threesomes they had in the past, but it was definitely out of this world.

God, I could still feel their hands on me. Rough, calloused, and warm. Kneading my flesh, squeezing me, grabbing me, and moving me whichever way they wanted. I felt so handled and appreciated at the same time. There was just something about giving and taking pleasure at the same time. Most of the time I felt out of control and out of my element, but it felt good more than anything. I didn’t know my body was even capable of absorbing and experiencing so much pleasure.

I had to stop going over it in my head or I would end up going through the whole day horny. I sat up and combed my fingers through my tangled hair. I even sniffed the shirt that still smelled of sharp cologne and male musk. It made me tingle everywhere. Who was I kidding? I couldn’t not be horny while I was still in their house.

I got up and used the guest bathroom, finding there were disposable toothbrushes in the top drawer. Once I went through my morning routine I headed downstairs to try and find my phone. All my things were nicely folded on the counter with my purse sitting on top. I found my phone, and a text message from them both.

Levi: help yourself to coffee, hun. Sugar is in the big jar, I figure you like it sweet.

Tate: come hang out at the house today, I know hotels can get boring.

I smiled from ear to ear like a freshman getting asked to prom by the captain of the football team and the quarterback. I went to the pot of coffee and poured myself a cup, then I got dressed in the kitchen. There was no one around anyway. I did end up putting mostly sugar in the coffee; my coffee has to taste like candy or I wouldn’t drink it.

My stomach didn’t settle until later so I didn’t eat anything, and I didn’t want to overstay my welcome anyway.

Adley: Thank you. How do I lock the door when I leave?

Levi: it locks itself

He replied first. They had texted me in a group message.

I swallowed nervously at the thought of having a group message with two guys that I definitely wasn’t just friends with. Still, I wasn’t sure if they liked me as more than that. It could still only be sex to them, and I wasn’t sure where I stood with them.

I liked them both. I wanted to be with them both. It was unconventional and I was still getting used to that idea, but it was how I felt. I just had no clue how to tell them that. Or if I even should tell them. Surely I was more than just a good time, with the way they laid my things out and made me coffee. Or was that standard? It had been a while since I even dated, and I never did one night stands or hooked up on the first night.

So I had no clue where to even start addressing this.

Plus, I had my grandmother’s estate to worry about. That hundred grand sounded like a good number, but I didn’t factor in the upgrades the house would need on top of that estimate, and I was already spending a lot of it to fix it. I knew I needed to do it, I just didn’t know how much it would cost.

I took a deep breath and decided to not let it bother me.

I got in the shower and washed my hair before I found something nice to wear to go see the house. Or Levi and Tate. Both, really. But I wanted to wear something that didn’t scream ‘I’m trying to look sexy.’ I didn’t think I had that effortless look men like.

After much searching through both suitcases—it was amazing all my clothes fit in two bags—I finally decide on a pale pink, casual dress with short sleeves. My breasts fight anything I tried to wear, and my hips made it look even shorter than it really was.

My hair dried on its own into tight curls, and I wore some pale lipstick. I tried my best to ignore that email but I could just feel impending doom coming on. Every time I thought things were going better, something always came out of nowhere and fucked it up.

It was just how my life went.

I didn’t mind getting another job but I was also tired of working dead end jobs I didn’t even like. If I could only find something culinary or having to do with baking, I would be happy. Maybe I would stop by Amelia’s again and introduce myself. Her stuff was certainly good.

Until then, Levi and Tate would just have to keep me occupied.

