“Apollo,” she says breathily, and her eyes close just a little.

“I’ll give you one song, then I’m taking you home.”

“I can live with that.” She tilts her head back, and I lean down, pressing my lips to hers.

We’re like that for a long moment, kissing softly and dancing slowly while the crowd around us fades away.

The past few months have been absolute bliss. Waking up with Celeste, going to bed together every night, it’s all a dream come true. We watch movies, study together, and I’ve even taken her out on one of my boats. It’s all the little things each day that add up to this perfect life ahead of us. I can’t wait for what next year will bring when we’re away at college together, but I’m so excited that we get to do it hand in hand.

“Take me home,” Celeste says as she moves against me.

“Are you sure?” I press my forehead to hers. “You know how much I want you, but I also know how long it took you to get ready and how much you love this dress.”

“Apollo.” She grabs the front of my tux and smiles at me. “The whole time I was putting this dress on, I was thinking about you taking it off of me.”

“Your wish is my command,” I say as I give her one more quick kiss and then take her by the hand.

It takes us a second to break through the crowd on the dance floor, but when we do, I start to walk towards the exit.

“I know one thing,” Celeste says as I call for our limo.


“I’m more than ready to get out of these shoes.”

Before she realizes what I’m doing, I scoop her up in my arms. She squeals, and I spin her around. The sound of her laughter, the beautiful glow of the night, and the feeling of so many wonderful things ahead make my heart so full it feels like it could explode.

“I love you,” I say and kiss her like it’s the one thing I need to breathe.

And I’m pretty damn sure it is.



A few months after that…

I drop my bag by the front door as I enter my and Apollo’s condo. It’s not far from campus, and I’m able to walk to it, which I do most of the time. Apollo taught me to drive over the summer, but it felt like more work finding a spot and parking than it is just to walk.

Pulling my hair down from my ponytail, I quickly try to change my clothes before the race. I leave a trail of clothes from the living room to our bedroom as I hurry. My last class ran long, and I thought I’d have more than enough time to change and make it over to the river before they start. Now I’m the one in a race because I can’t be late to Apollo’s first college rowing competition.

He’s bounced back like a pro from the accident. He was back on the water before spring had even hit. He’d graduated with honors, securing his scholarship and our future. While he might have known which direction his future was headed, I still have no freaking clue what I want. But everyone thought it was best I dip my toe into college and see what piqued my interest. So here I am at the same school as Apollo, taking basic classes while I figure it out.

Maybe I should feel a bit uneasy knowing I likely got in because of the Crews, but I don’t give a crap. This is Apollo’s dream, and I’ll do what I have to so that I’m by his side as he follows in his father’s footsteps.

I steal one of Apollo’s shirts from the closet and tie it up at the bottom so it doesn't look like a dress on me. Thankfully I'm able to change fast, but as I dash out the door, I run into my mom.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, surprised.

“Of course I’m here. It’s Apollo’s first race.” She pulls me in for a hug, kissing me on the cheek.

I wasn’t one bit shocked when Rory told us about this great investment deal he’d done for some building near our new college and that we should take one of the units in it. Oh, and he and Mom might have taken the one next door for when they venture off the island to come and see us.

“Where’s Dad?” I ask, expecting him to be following her out the door.

“He’s already there.”

“Right.” I laugh.

“Tell me how classes are going.” She takes my arm as I lead her out of the building and toward my SUV to make the short drive over to the river.

“Not much to tell really. I’m only in basic courses.” She gives me a knowing smile. “What?”