“Getting more education is never a bad thing, but it also doesn't have to be the place where you find what you’re looking for in life.” That’s Mom. Always full of wisdom.

“Let me guess. You know what I’m looking for?”

“Yes, that's why I took you to Craven Cove. You wanted roots and to have a family. Just because that’s not something I sought out in life doesn't mean it can’t be what you want, honey. Being a wife and mother is an honorable thing.”

“Oh.” I blink quickly, not wanting to let the sudden rush of tears escape. Has that been my heart's desire all along? I absolutely want to get married and have children with Apollo. “Yes,” I agree. “One day.”

“Yes, one day but not today. Enjoy each other for a while first.”

A weight I didn’t know I’d been holding releases off my chest. Every day it felt like I needed to find something of my own. One day maybe I will, but for now I’m going to enjoy being with Apollo. I’ll let everything else fall into place.

I spot Rory’s SUV and pull mine into the parking spot next to it. When I learned to drive, I didn’t fight him or Apollo on the SUV they picked out for me. I knew it wasn't a battle I was going to win. I choose arguments wisely when it comes to them. With everything that happened in the past, I’m sure this tank they picked out for me is top rated when it comes to safety.

“You look cute.” Mom winks at me when we get out.

I’m in jean shorts and sneakers with Apollo’s shirt on. I might have put on a touch of makeup. When it comes to other girls, nothing has changed there with Apollo. I can see the dancing hearts over their heads when they see him. You’d think them seeing how he is with me would deter them, but I think it makes it worse. Not that it really matters. Apollo doesn’t even notice them. Still, I want to look cute for my man.

We make our way over to where Rory is standing just in time. He pulls me in for a hug and drops a kiss on the top of my head. My mom's words settle more over me, and she’s so right. These are the things I love most of all. These moments when we’re all together.

It’s not long after the race starts that Dad and I are shouting as we jump up and down and cheer on Apollo. When his boat crosses the finish line first, the three of us are the loudest.

“Never seen a chick so into rowing before,” someone says from beside me. I turn my head to see a man standing there with shaggy blond hair about my age but maybe older. I don’t think I’ve seen him around, but I’m still fairly new here.

“I get excited. What can I say?” I notice the Vanderguard logo across his chest, which is the school we’re competing against today. “We won, after all.” I can’t help but smirk. I’ve never been competitive with a sport until Apollo. But who doesn’t want their man to win?

“That you did.” He holds his hand out. “Mitch.”

“Celeste.” I take it, wanting to be polite, but then he holds it a bit too long. I feel his thumb trying to stroke my skin, and this is the reason Apollo would rather have me respond that my name is Taken. I jerk my hand back to tell him just that, but before I can he’s leaning closer.

“How about we go celebrate your team's win, Celeste?”

“How about you don't?” Apollo says, popping out of freaking nowhere. He drapes his arm around my shoulders, and I’m surprised because I thought I wouldn’t see him for at least another hour or so. Mitch is bold. His smile turns into a cocky one, but Apollo is at least a foot taller than him and clearly built.

“I think you have people waiting on you,” Mitch says dismissively to Apollo, nodding over toward where his teammates are all celebrating their first win.

“Don’t.” I wrap my arms around Apollo’s midsection and glare at Mitch. “He does have someone waiting on him: me.” I rest my head on Apollo’s chest.

“So fuck off, dumbass” Apollo adds before turning his focus on to me, dismissing the cocky asshole. “I can’t leave you alone for more than a couple seconds.” He smiles as he leans down and presses his mouth to mine.

“You ran over here because you saw someone talking to me?” I run my hands up his chest as I shake my head. I can’t say I’m mad about his jealousy, though. I enjoy the fact that anyone looking knows Apollo is mine.

“I ran over here to kiss my girl.” He presses his mouth against mine again. This time the kiss is deeper, and I moan into his mouth. “Maybe I wanted to remind everyone you’re mine,” he admits when we break apart.