Page 73 of Real Love

“I know.” She smiled picturing Sean naked. She cleared her throat and continued.

This attempt at wearing Sean down wasn’t working. He was a lot stronger than she thought. She was trying to be honest, but instead, she was making herself excited and her only options were calling Eric or self-fulfillment. Her cousins and her girlfriends bragged about their little devices, but she didn’t like artificial entertainment. Besides, she didn’t need one because she could have Eric anytime she wanted..he was just a phone call away.

“I’ve been researching celibacy and for celibate people, kissing is very important.” Sean folded his arms in front of his chest listening to her expound. “I think right now, the thought of kissing you might surpass the actual thing.”



She swallowed hard. She knew that was a lie. She closed her eyes briefly and thought how amazing his lips would feel traveling across her body. When she opened her eyes, Sean was smiling at her and she knew she was in trouble.

She went to the powder room for a moment of clarity. She looked at her watch, five o’clock and she was still dressed, not the way she thought the day would go. She thought about calling Eric, but it wouldn’t be fair to deprive Olivia of the only other time she had with him this week.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror. “What’s happening to me?” Kyla never cared about anyone else’s feelings. Yet here she was putting her desires for her boyfriend aside so his wife could have a shot at romance tonight.

Chapter 34

KYLA LIKED SPENDING THE AFTERNOON with Sean. However, it didn’t produce the outcome she had hoped for. Ten minutes into her walk she realized the cool air wasn’t doing anything to stop the growing urge within. She needed an outlet for her frustration. She reached into her bag for her cell phone and pressed the secret number.

The phone rang three times and stopped and rang again twice before he answered. “Hello, yes I understand. Let me go down to my office and I’ll call you right back.”

Eric started walking out of the room when Olivia stopped him. “Is there something wrong?”

“It’s a new patient in crisis. I’m going to take this in my office.” He walked downstairs to his office, closed the door behind him and dialed Kyla’s number. After the third ring, she picked up.

“Hey baby,” she purred.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m feeling a little lonely and I want you to come out and play?”

He dropped his head and let out a sigh. “You know that’s not possible.”

“Hmmm…are you sure?”

Resisting Kyla’s purrs was never easy for Eric. He walked into the bathroom and closed the door. “I don’t see how I can…”

“Baby please,” she begged. “Just a quickie. I just don’t want to be alone and I can’t wait until Monday.” He flushed the toilet and turned on the water in case Olivia was lurking outside the door. He waited a few seconds before walking back to his desk. “I’ll even let you do that thing you like to do.”

His thoughts instantly turned to the menu of things he and Kyla did. His smile covered his face and his mind began racing with thoughts of how he could get out of the house. She hummed again and he was near full excitement. The panting in his voice was confirmation. Kyla was about to get her way.

“Baby, there’s no way I can get out.” He sat down behind his desk trying not to think about Kyla’s offer. “Please forgive me? I promise to make it up to you on Monday.” He looked at the door, saw the knob turning and the door open. “Mr. Curtis, I understand your concerns, but…”

“Honey, is everything okay?” Olivia asked.

“Hold on.” He covered his phone. “Yes. I’ll be upstairs in a few minutes.”

“Okay. I’m sorry.” He waited for her to close the door and continued his conversation in code.

“Okay. If you’re still feeling the same in the morning, call me and I’ll call in a prescription.”

“Is she still there?” Kyla asked.

“No, but I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“Oh, I get it.”

“I’ll make sure my office confirms your appointments for next week.”