Page 72 of Real Love

“Simon,” he called as he placed the bowl on the floor next to the dining table. “Simon, Winnie.” The small footsteps came rushing toward his voice.

“What is that you put in the bowl?”

“Dog food.”


“Simon wanted to impress Winnie.” She smiled and thought Sean is either nuts or too good to be true. “Wash up, lunch is ready.”

“Where’s the restroom?”

“On the other side of the elevator, hang a left.”

After lunch she helped with the dishes. “We could have put these in the dishwasher.”

“I don’t have one.”


“Just kidding.” Simon walked over with his leash in his mouth and dropped it next to Sean’s foot. “Okay, boy, let me finish and we’ll go.”

“Are you kidding?” Kyla asked. “How can I get Winnie to do that? I’ve got her on a schedule, but this is so much better.”

“I think his former owner taught him. Get Winnie and let’s go.”

She put on Winnie’s leash and the four of them headed for an afternoon stroll. On the way back, they picked up some gelato. Sitting at the counter eating reminded her of the night they stopped for gelato and provocative conversation.

“So, I’ve been thinking,” she confessed.


“I don’t want you to kiss me.”

He rolled his eyes. This was becoming a habit, questions about church and sex. “I thought—”

“Hear me out. I don’t want you to kiss me, because you don’t want to.”

“I didn’t say that,” he countered.

He desperately wanted to kiss her, but he knew he couldn’t. She wasn’t like any other woman he had dated. Although he knew what she was up to, he had to remain steadfast in his commitment to God. Looking at her lips, he sensed how Adam must have felt when Eve presented him with that apple…all shiny, wet and juicy. Kyla’s lips were his forbidden fruit. He knew that if he tasted her lips, he wouldn’t be able to stop and his witness would be dead. He couldn’t give in. He needed to show Kyla it was possible to be in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex without being sexually involved.

“I know and I don’t want to kiss you,” she announced.

“You don’t?”

“No.” She put the spoon in her mouth and he became mesmerized by her lips. “You were right. I didn’t realize how personal kissing is…for you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He was confused and offended at her statement.

“I understand you a little better now and when you kiss me, I want it to be because you want to. And when I kiss you, I want it to be because you want me to.”

“Where is this coming from?” He went from being excited about possibly kissing her and figuring out if he could control himself, to being annoyed she would make a statement like that. He wasn’t a sex addict who would fall off the wagon behind one kiss. He was a grown man trying to be strong and not give the devil an opportunity to throw him off his game.

“I didn’t realize…I mean, since you can’t have sex, and kissing is all you have…”

“I’m not a eunuch. I didn’t lose my…I can have sex. I’ve just made a decision not to again until marriage.”