Page 56 of Real Love

“It’s close. I have to walk off your cookie.”

“I’ll have everything sent over in the morning.”

“Okay, thanks.” They stopped at the corner. “I’m going that way.” She pointed to her left.

“And I’m going back to work. Thanks again for the coffee.”

She reached up and whispered, “Still thinking about kissing me?” She kissed him on the cheek, smiled and crossed the street. He watched her walk down the street until she was out of sight before turning and heading back to his office.

“God, she’s trouble…please show me how to handle this new friendship. I like her, but I don’t want to do anything not in line with Your plan for me, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Chapter 28

AFTER A FEW WEEKS OF listening to Sean go on and on about this mystery woman, Chris’s concerns grew. All he knew was her first name, Kyla, and that she was an interior designer. And that Sean seemed more infatuated than in the past. He hadn’t heard him talk about a woman like this in quite a while. Chris put his amateur sleuth skills to work and searched the internet for more information.

He typed interior designers named Kyla in New York and up popped the address for Kyla’s company, James and Company. He clicked the link and once the site came up, he hit the “About Us” link and his mouth dropped open. He sat staring at the screen, shaking his head. There was no denying it, Kyla was a beautiful woman. She looked like most of the women Sean had dated. He couldn’t tell how tall she was, but if she was anything like the women of Sean’s past, she was average height. It was clear to see she was voluptuous with dark, shoulder length hair and a bright smile. She looked like trouble for any man. All Chris saw was Sean calling him in distress because he’d slipped up again. He needed to act quickly before this woman got her hooks into his godbrother.

Trina walked in, eased up behind him and kissed him on the neck. Chris let out a sigh.

“What’s wrong?” He shook his head. “I know better.” She walked around and sat next to him on the sofa.

“I was doing a little research on this woman Sean has been talking about.” He covered his eyes shaking his head.

“How bad is it?” He opened his laptop and waited for the screen to light up. “Is this her?” He nodded. “Wow!”

“That’s what I said.”

“This is the woman Sean’s been seeing?” Trina asked.

As most interior designers do, Kyla had her picture on her website. Some women over a certain age think it’s frivolous to be concerned with their appearance, but not Kyla. She was proud of her looks.

“He says they’re friends,” Chris confessed.

“With this woman?” Trina sat up and leaned closer to the computer screen.


“That’s not possible.”

“That’s what I said.” He hit the button to enlarge the screen. “Maybe she doesn’t look like this in person.”

“Are you kiddin’ me?”

“This photo has probably been retouched several times.”

“Honey, I love you and I know you’re just being nice because I’m here, but I’m telling you, this woman looks like that. True, there’s a little retouching, but those curves are real. Wow! What are you gonna do?”

“I don’t know.”

She looked at the picture shaking her head. “I have to give him credit, he has good taste in women. I mean outwardly.”

“That’s what I said. I think this one is going to be hard for him to let go.”

“You think? If I were a Christian man, I’d consider laying my faith down for a shot at her. I wonder who does her highlights.”


“What? That is one amazing color job.”