Page 55 of Real Love

“A lot. Now you need to share one of yours with me.”

“No, I don’t.” He sipped his coffee thinking what he could tell her. She reached across for another piece of his cookie. “Okay, don’t laugh.”

“Is it that bad?”

“I have a dog.”

“That’s not funny, unless it’s one of those little dogs that…” She looked at him trying not to laugh. “Please don’t tell me you have one of those little fluff balls with legs?” He reached inside his pocket, pulled out his phone, turned it on and handed it to her. She immediately started laughing. “Are you sure this isn’t a large rat?”

“Give me that.”

“I’m sorry, but you are this giant of a man and that thing looks like it’ll fit in your pocket.” She laughed harder.

“Thank you very much. He’s a rescue.” He put his phone back in his pocket. “Simon and I are very close. Are we even now?”

“Not even.”

“Simon is offended.”

“I’m sorry. One last thing, I think my book weighs more than your dog.”

“Funny. Are you finished?”

“Yes.” She took a sip from her cup and looked at her watch.

“Do you need to get back?”

“I’ve got a little time.”

“How’s work going?”

“Busy. I picked up a couple of new clients who have houses out in the Hamptons. So it looks like I’ll be spending quite a bit of time out there.”


“I’ll say. One of my clients has offered me a house for a month this summer as a bonus if I come in on time and under budget.”


“Yeah, you should come. We could hang out and Simon could meet the other giant rats spending the summer at the beach.” She started laughing.

“Are you finished?”

“Yes.” She looked at her watch again. “I gotta go.” She stood up and he helped her with her coat. She left a ten dollar bill on the table and he followed her out to the sidewalk continuing their conversation. “This was fun.”

“It was.”

“We should do it again.”

“Yeah and maybe next time, I’ll get to eat my cookie.” He smiled.


He looked at her smiling back at him thinking how tempting it would be to kiss her. “Are you going back to the office?”

“No, I have to meet a client.”

“Let me get you a taxi.”