Page 54 of Real Love

“It was fun.” He took another sip. “So…”

He watched as she lifted the cup to her mouth and his mind drifted back to her invitation to kiss her. He closed his eyes and took another sip. She put her cup down and smiled.

“You want to kiss me don’t you?” She licked her lips.

“No.” He smiled. “Why did you invite me for coffee?”

“Like I said, I enjoyed talking to you.” She reached over and broke a piece off his cookie. Now he understood their relationship. He would order food and she’d eat it. “Tell me more about your


“My church?” His eyebrows raised as she caught him off guard again with her question.

“Yes. Why do you go?”

Chris was wrong, Kyla wasn’t like the other women he had been involved with. If she was being clever, he’d pray it would backfire and her excavating might lead her to Christ. She sat back in her seat with her arms crossed in front of her, listening intently to everything he had to say.

“I go because I enjoy being in God’s presence. I like the fellowship, knowledge and guidance I get from my pastor. It’s refreshing to be around people who believe and think like I do.”

She looked at his eyes and saw how bright they looked as he gave his explanation. “Do you miss sex?”

He shifted in his seat. “We discussed this.”

“I know, but how do you keep from slipping up again? Did you only slip the one time?” She was hoping he’d say yes, so she could proceed with the next phase of her plan, making him her permanent side boyfriend.

“I try not to put myself in those kinds of situations. And, no I only slipped the one time.”

“All because of God?”

“Yes. Knowing He loves me and the sacrifices He made for me, far surpasses my meager attempt at being obedient. I am in love with God and I’m not going to do anything to jeopardized that relationship.”

She sipped her coffee and asked another question, “What do you do when you’re not working, besides going to church?”

This is one of the questions he thought would come up over dinner, not over a spontaneous weekday coffee date in the middle of the afternoon. “I go to the museum, box, hang out with my friends, cook. I also like antiquing and listening to jazz.”


“What about you?”

“We’re a lot alike. I like cooking and the museum. Antiquing of course, because it’s a huge part of my business, and I love reading.”

“What kind of books?”

“Complex stories about men and women.”

“Romance novels.” He started laughing.

“I thought I was being clever in my description.”

“No.” He continued laughing. “Give me the one in your bag.” He held his hand out.

“What makes you think I have a book in my bag?”

“Please.” She reached inside her bag and pulled out a small book covered in velvet leopard print fabric. “And you have the nerve to have it covered in designer upholstery fabric.” He opened the cover and read the title. “The Chocolate Dream…oh Miss Kyla.”

“Give me that.” They laughed as she snatched the book out of his hand and put it back into her bag. “Now you know one of my secrets.”

“One of? How many do you have?”