Page 41 of Real Love

“Then I guess we’re both out of luck. Bye.”

He stood still watching as she sauntered out of the showroom with her parfum lingering in the air. He was under her spell.

Sean walked around the showroom laying hands on every item Kyla had selected, and asked God to grant him favor with her client. He knew this was his only chance to show Kyla he was right, not only about the furniture, but himself as well.

Two weeks later, Kyla returned to the showroom. “Seems my client didn’t like everything,” she said. “Sorry, and I was looking forward to coffee.”

“A deal is a deal.” He smiled.

“Send me an invoice for everything else.”

“Maybe next time.”

“Maybe. Bye.” She turned and walked out.

He reached inside the bag looking for the sample ticket. Pinned to one of the pillows was a note. “I’ll be at Cafe Noir, two blocks over if you’d like to have coffee, Kyla.” He gave the bag to his assistant, grabbed his jacket and left.

He walked into the petite cafe` looking around for his dream girl. He started walking toward the back when he spotted her sitting at a table in the corner, reading Elle Decor. He smiled and walked over to join her.

“I see you got my note.” She smiled and put her magazine down. He sat across from her and she motioned for the server to bring another cup of coffee.

“I thought coffee was only if your client bought everything. You brought back a few things.”

“In all fairness, I knew those things weren’t right but I had to give her something to say no to.” They both laughed.

He nodded his head and thought, she smells even better up close. “So you padded the bet?”

“I had to. She’s a sweet lady, but she’s using this project to prolong the inevitable.”

“Which is?”

“The demise of her marriage. She’s hoping this redecoration will add some spark.”

“And you don’t think so?”

“It’s not my job to be her counselor or her best girlfriend. It’s my job to give her a beautiful home. And hers to make her husband happy in bed.” He almost choked on his coffee.

“I’ve never had a client be so honest. Most of my clients come in with their clients doing the decorator two step…agreeing with everything the customer wants. I sell a lot of beautiful furniture to the wrong people.”

“Exactly. That’s why I don’t bring my clients to the showrooms…it just confuses them. If they thought they could do this themselves, they wouldn’t hire people like me.”

“How do you get your clients?”

“Referral. The husbands love me.”

“I can see why.”

“Excuse me?”

“I mean…you’re probably very good at staying on budget.” He smiled.

“I try. Most of my married clients come in with a money is no object attitude. They don’t know that their husbands have already called or emailed me a budget.”

“Isn’t that a little unethical?”

“Not when he’s the one paying the bill.” She laughed.

“Okay, that makes sense.”