Page 210 of Real Love

“I knew he was a chick magnet,” he laughed.

“How did you decide on Winnie? Don’t get me wrong. I love her, but why didn’t you get me a female Simon?”

“I took Simon with me because I figured our dogs would be spending some time together, and it would be good if they got along. There was a cute little female Boston Terrier there and he wouldn’t give her the time of day. He walked right over to Winnie, she cocked her head, he barked and looked up at me.”

“So I have Simon to thank for bringing Winnie into my life?”

“Yep. I think he thinks she’s like him just with more hair.” He kissed her shoulder. “I guess we should…” The phone started ringing.

“Is that you or me?”

Sean looked over at the night table at his phone. “It’s not me.”

She reached over and picked up her phone. She didn’t recognize the New York number and hesitated before answering. “Kyla James…Mommy, is there a problem…uh-huh…how are Winnie and Simon…okay…no Mommy…I was going to see if Sean wanted to get dinner…uh-huh…we have our time set…Mommy, no…uh-huh…uh-huh…Mommy…Mommy, it’s getting late, and I want to get something to eat…I will…I love you too…good night.”

“What did she want this time?”

“The same thing your mother did, are you keeping busy, are you guys being careful? My God, you’d think we were a couple of horny teenagers on Spring break.”

“How many calls is that now?”

“Twelve for my mother and ten for yours. We should have told them we got married.”

“Are you kidding, it would have been worse.” He kissed her shoulder. “Baby, I’ll figure something out.”

She slumped down further on the bed and pulled Sean toward her. He covered her mouth with his, enjoying her lips when the phone began ringing, breaking the mood. He looked over at the clock. Kyla pulled back laughing. “I’ll give you one guess who it is.”

Sean let out a huge sigh, reached over and picked up his phone. He looked at the caller ID and shook his head. He pressed the button answering the call. “Hi Mom…no Mom…Mom I told you we will, when we’re ready…uh-huh.” He sat up and Kyla snuggled up next to him. “Mom…Mom…Mother, listen to me, we’ll get married when we’re ready…I know that Mother…” he climbed out of bed and began pacing back and forth. “Uh- huh…I’ll talk to Ky…no…she’s probably in bed…no, because we’ve already taken care of everything…no, I don’t care if you do want to pay for them…because we only want certain people there to celebrate with us…no, we already ordered one. I told you, we took care of everything before we left…please don’t do that…why? Because if you do, we’ll move the party and won’t tell you…I’m serious…I wouldn’t do that…it was both our idea…I don’t believe I’m having this conversation. I’m on my…,” he caught himself before continuing his statement. “I’m trying to have a little vacation time, and you’re trying to upset me…apology accepted…I love you too…I’ll tell her when I see her…bye.”

He pressed the button ending the call and walked over and stood in front of the window, staring silently. Kyla got up and walked over and wrapped her arms around him, gently kissing his back. “I’m sorry, I know this isn’t how we planned it.”

“That’s not it. It’s the calls every couple of hours. We’re responsible adults, not…”

“Do you want to call and tell them we got married?”

“No, because then our wedding will become a circus.” He turned to face her. “I promised myself, I’d give you the wedding you wanted.”

“What I want is for everyone to know you’re an honorable man, who respected me so much he was willing to forsake a well paying job for my virtue. A man who loved me so much, he put up with my bizarre behavior and married me. I want everyone to know, he loved me so much, he patiently put up with both our mothers calling us on our secret honeymoon nagging him to marry me.” She pulled his face to hers and gently kissed his lips. “I love you.”

He walked over to the nightstand, picked u

p his phone and pressed the button for the programmed number. “Mom…hold on.” He dialed another number and waited for an answer. “Hello Miss Nadine…Mom…good you both can hear me. I’m going to say this once, Kyla and I are here working and trying to have a vacation. We’re adults and know what our boundaries are. If we do something we need to answer to God for, that’s between us and Him. Please don’t call either of us unless someone has died, is in the hospital, there’s a problem with Simon or Winnie, our apartments have been robbed or burned down. If it’s a work problem, someone from our office will contact us. And don’t even think about making changes to our engagement party. If we find out you’ve interfered with our party or invited additional guests, we’ll cancel it and not tell you when it’s rescheduled. Do I make myself clear…good…I love both of you, good bye.” He pressed the button ending the call and turned to face Kyla.

“Wow, that was some speech.” She walked toward him. “You know you are very sexy when you take charge like that.”

He stood up straighter smiling. “Well, you know, I am the head of the family.”

“And you’ve been doing a very good job.” She stepped closer and he wrapped his arms around her. “But, I want to talk about those boundaries you mentioned.”

“What about them?” He covered her mouth with his kissing her passionately.

“That was nice, but those boundaries.” She gently stroked the side of his face. “What are they, I mean if there are rules, I would like to know what they are.”

He smiled and pushed her down onto the bed. “We don’t have any.”

“That’s what I thought.”

Chapter 76