Page 211 of Real Love

SEAN REACHED OVER AND GRABBED his phone, looked at the caller ID and pressed answer call. “Good morning, Camille.”

“Hello Mr. Prescott, I mean good afternoon. When will you be back?”

“We got back last night. Why?”

“I know you told me not to make any changes. However, your mother and Miss James’ mother are trying to book the suite for the day after your party.”

“What? Why?”

“They said it’s for a surprise bridal shower for Miss James. I told them the suite was already booked, but they insist I find them another location in the hotel. I tried calling Miss James, but it went right to voice mail.”

He sat up. “I don’t believe it.”

Kyla quickly sat up. “What’s wrong?”

“Hold on, Camille.” He covered the phone with his hand. “Our mothers want the suite on Saturday to throw you a shower.”

“You’ve got to be kidding. Give me the phone.” He handed her the phone. “Camille.”

“Miss James, oh I…”

“When did they call?”

“Right before I called Mr. Prescott.”

“Give us a half hour, and come down to our room.”

“You’re in the hotel? I thought you weren’t due back until tomorrow? If I’d known, I would have…”

“We’ll see you in half an hour.”


“Bye.” Kyla pressed the button, ending the call.

“I thought this was a fake project to keep them distracted?” Sean asked.

“So did I.” She picked up her phone and pressed the programmed number. After a couple of rings, a cheery voice answered.

“Hey there, Mrs. Prescott.”

“Good morning.”

“Where are you?” DeeDee asked.

“The Surrey. We got in last night. What’s going on with our mothers?”

“They’re coming over today at noon so we can finalize the the shower plans. Why?”

“They called the hotel trying to book the suite for the day after the party for the shower.”

“We agreed to have the shower at my place.”

“They are way out of control. First they were trying to make changes to our party, then they started calling us every couple of hours. Sean and I barely had time to…we only need two days and then…”

“Calm down. Everything is going to be fine. I’ll take care of the mothers. Enjoy your husband and call me later. Bye.”

“Thanks. Bye.” Kyla hung up.