Page 149 of Real Love

“Excuse me?” Jordan asked.

“There was someone a few years ago.”


“Obviously we broke up.”

“Because?” Another one word question.

“She wanted to get married and I wasn’t ready.”

“How long?”

“Almost a year.”

Baby Jordy started cooing loudly. “Wow, even Jordy is shocked. Talk about a closely guarded secret. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“It wasn’t a secret. I just didn’t feel the need to share details.”


“I don’t know.”

“But, this one you want to marry? Wow, that’s a big leap.”

“Not really.”

“Lil bro, you have always been a sucker for a beautiful woman with problems.”

“That’s what Chris said.”

“I don’t know if I should be happy or worried that Chris and I agree about this woman.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sean said defensively. “And her name is Kyla.”

“I saw…Kyla’s website, she’s beautiful and from what you told me about her past, she’s the holy grail of troubled women.”

“No she—”

“Sean…let’s cut to the chase. You want someone to tell you what to do.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes, you do and that’s okay, but I’m not the one. And you should be leery of anyone else that tries to tell you what to do in this matter. Picking or committing to someone for the rest of your life should be your decision alone, and no one else’s.”

“I guess I should say thanks?”

“Yeah, you should, because no matter what anyone says, you’re ultimately going to do what you want to.”

“I guess.” He looked at the clock on the night table. “I better get some sleep. I’ll get with you later this week. Give my love to Zoë and kiss my nephew. Good night.”

“Good night.”

Sean pressed the button ending the call. He got up and walked into the kitchen and Simon jumped up to follow him. He opened the refrigerator looking for something to fill the hole in his stomach. Instead, he settled on a bowl of cereal. He looked down and Simon barked at him. “So you think I’m do

ing the right thing?” Simon barked again. “Yeah, I know it’ll be nice having both of them here all the time.” Simon barked and Sean handed him a treat. He looked at Simon whose tail was wagging and he barked again. “Quiet down. I’ll think about it.” He put the bowl in the sink, turned the lights off and went back to bed.

Knock, knock, knock. “Come in,” Sean called out. He didn’t look up immediately. “I’ll be right with you.”