Page 148 of Real Love

“I know that. To women, engagement rings are our way of bragging without saying a word.”

“I want everyone to know how much I love her, and after everything she’s been through, she deserves to be pampered.” He held up the ring smiling. “Dennis, I’ll take it.”

“Yes, sir. Will you be taking that with you or do you want it delivered?”

“Deliver it. Thank you.” His smile drooped a little.

“What’s wrong? You’re getting the right ring. Forget what I said about it being too soon. You two have been in love with each other for a while.”

“I’m thinking about what I’m going to say to her father.”

“Excuse me? You’re both adults, you don’t need approval.”

“It’s a respect thing. I wouldn’t feel right proposing without speaking with him…and her mother.”

She smiled and shook her head. “So how are you going to do it? Propose I mean.”

“I haven’t got a clue.” He laughed.

Chapter 58

HE WAS SURE OF HIS feelings for Kyla and pretty sure she felt the same way about him, but Sean was starting to have second thoughts. He’d been praying and felt he was doing the right thing, but with a woman like Kyla, you never assumed.

He looked at his watch, it was about ten-thirty on the west coast. He picked up his phone and dialed.

“Hey big bro.” He tried to sound up beat.

“What’s up lil’ bro.” His brother always sounded up beat and relaxed even though Sean knew he was probably worn out from having spent the day in surgery. Being a heart surgeon was an art that only a few mastered and his brother Jordan was one of the best.

When Sean had his drinking problem, Jordan was the one who took him to his first AA meeting. Jordan hated seeing Sean like he was, because he knew he was a much better man, he just needed someone to push him. It was a long road, but when Sean recovered, he never took another drink.

Now almost twenty years later, he had just about everything he wanted, a perfect relationship with God, a successful business and good friends. The only things missing were a wife and children.

Looking at the ruby engagement ring, he told Jordan a half truth. “Nothing much.”

Jordan knew there was a problem because Sean didn’t ask about his nephew Jordy or Zoë. “Up a little late…what’s on your mind?”

“Uhm…I’ve been seeing someone.”

“Is this the woman you mentioned a while back, because I thought that wasn’t going anywhere?”

“Things changed.”

“Must have, if you’re calling me late on a week night.”

Sean and Jordan talked frequently, but every Saturday morning, they made it a point to spend about an hour catching up. Late week night calls usually meant there was a problem.

“So what happened? How did she go from an impossible situation to a problem?” Jordan asked.

Sean caught Jordan up on the details of his and Kyla’s relationship, and capped it off with his confession about the ring. “So am I being a fool?”


“Thanks, bro.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s too soon. This is your first serious relationship since Francesca.”

“No, it isn’t,” he blurted out.