Page 128 of Real Love

“What look?”

“The one you gave me when you found out I had joined church and didn’t tell you.” She shifted on the sofa. “Sean, I’m not ashamed of you. I’m happy we’re together, but I like my privacy. Does your office know…about us?”

“Yes.” She looked shocked. “They all think we’ve been together for a while.”

“Oh, my God. That’s why Ryder said what he did.”

“Exactly.” She started laughing. “What’s so funny?”

“That’s what DeeDee said. She said she thought we were a couple, especially after working with her and Mike on their place.”

“Sweetie, it seems you’re the last one to know we’re a couple.” He kissed her. “So you’re going to meet with Olivia?”

“As much as I don’t want to, I think you’re right. Also, I’ve been praying about it and it’s the right thing to do. I can’t really move forward with my life until I do.”

He kissed her. “I’m proud of you.”

Chapter 53

KYLA HURRIED OUT OF THE elevator, walking quickly down the hall to the white door. She pounded hard on the door and fidgeted while waiting for someone to answer. She turned briefly and then the sound of the door opening stirred up the nerves in her stomach.

“Hey, Kyla, come in,” DeeDee stood to the side as Kyla rushed inside and waited for her to close the door. “It’s just going to be us girls. You did say it was a female thing, so I had Mike take Michelle on a date to Serendipity. She loves it there.”

“Sweet. Thank you.” She followed her into the living room.

“So, what’s going on? You sounded frantic on the phone. Have a seat. Oh, before I forget, I gave a friend your number and she said she hasn’t been able to get past your assistant.”

“Give me her name, and I’ll make sure Antonio knows to put her on the book.”

“Perfect. I told her if she had told him I referred her, he would have booked a meeting a while ago. Her name is Olivia King and she said she’s been—”

“What did you say?”

“Olivia King, do you know her? She said someone had given her an appointment, but it was cancelled. I told her it was probably because she didn’t mention me.”

Kyla felt all the blood rush from her head to her feet. “May I have some water?”

“Sure.” DeeDee got up and went into the kitchen. She came back and handed Kyla a bottle. She turned it up and drank half the contents. “Are you okay? Your hands are shaking.”

“Do you remember me telling you my ex-boyfriend’s wife started calling me for an appointment?”

DeeDee gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh my God, it’s Olivia.” Kyla nodded. “I’m so sorry. If I’d known…”

“Sean told me I needed to see her, but I had no idea she was a friend of yours. I came here to ask you for help, but I’ll understand if you…” She started to get up.

“Kyla, sit down. How long have…I mean…how long were you seeing Eric? Don’t worry, what you say will be held in strict confidence.”

“Almost six years.”

“How did you meet? You know what, I don’t need details. Six years?”

“Yes, and he and Olivia have been together, about three.”

“That’s not correct.”

“No, I’m pretty sure, it’s been three. I remember the day he pointed her out to me.” Kyla may not have been too sure how she was going to handle the rest of this conversation, but she was sure of the day Olivia was introduced into her life.

“Kyla, Olivia and Eric have been together almost seven years,” DeeDee announced.