Page 129 of Real Love

Kyla felt light headed. She looked at the water and wished it was something stronger. “That’s not possible. When we started going out, he said there wasn’t anyone else. He even asked me to marry him…three times.”

“I’m not surprised. He’s a very good liar. I’ve been telling Olivia for years to be careful.” She sat down. “In the beginning, we would double date with them. I remember her saying if Eric spent time with us, it might make him a little more receptive to marriage. Then he started traveling a lot, which never made sense. He’s a therapist, not an executive or a salesman,” she crossed her arms, “that’s probably when he was with you.”

“In the beginning we took quite a few trips, so I guess the answer is yes.”

DeeDee stood up and started pacing back and forth. “Sean’s right, you need to tell her. God knows I wish I could.”

“How long have you known her?”

“We went to college together. She’s a sweetheart, but she’s always been a little naive when it comes to men. What’s your plan?”

“Sean said I should tell her everything. I thought if I showed her the apartment, she would…”

“She won’t believe you. When do you want to meet her?”

“I was waiting to see if she was going to call me again and if she did, then I’d set a meeting.”

DeeDee picked up her phone and Kyla watched as she dialed the number. “Hey girl, it’s me, DeeDee…fine, how are things with you and Eric?…uh-huh, that’s great…I’ll have to check…she and Mike are on a father-daughter date…I know. Look, I’m calling because I met with my decorator and told her that you’d been trying to get an appointment. She said right now she’s only taking referrals and you…I see…but that’s why you haven’t been able to get an appointment…okay, hang up and call her. She’s expecting a call from you…no problem…I’ll talk to you later…bye.” She put her phone down. “Call Antonio.”

Kyla reached into her bag for her phone and began dialing. “Hi Antonio, I found out who referred Olivia King. When she calls, schedule her for Thursday afternoon, around two. Thanks.”

Ten minutes later Kyla’s phone rang. She recognized the honking horn ringtone, “Hi Antonio…she did…she can…good, I’ll call you back when I’m on my way. Would you please walk Winnie…thanks.” She put her phone into her bag. “We’re all set for Thursday at two, can you…”

“You don’t even have to ask.” She sat down across from Kyla. “I don’t understand how Eric was able to get away with it for so long.”

“Careful planning. We’re, at least I am a very private person, and he said he needed his space. So he gave me money to get us a place. From the beginning, we’ve been meeting at an apartment we have down in Chelsea. We felt it was best to be far away from where either of us lived. He’s upper west and I’m upper east.”

DeeDee shook her head. “I just don’t believe it. Was it only sex? I’m sorry.”

“I understand. Sean asked me the same question. In the beginning, we were like any other couple. We would go out, take trips, everything a couple in a committed relationship does. He never came to my office or apartment. That was part of the arrangement. He did hire me to decorate his office.”

“And Olivia didn’t know?”

“Hey, as far as I knew, he wasn’t married.”

“I get it. He’s a clever…”

“You said they’ve been together almost seven years?”

“Yes. I remember when she first told me about him. She met him at a charity dinner.”

“That’s how we met…that son of a—”

“Kyla.” DeeDee stopped her.

“I’m sorry. It’s just…I thought…” She stood up and started pacing and pounding her fist into her hand. “He made me think I was calling all the shots. He said he wanted to get married because it would help his career.”

“That’s true. From my understanding his father told him he would use every resource their family had to make him the number one marriage therapist in New York, but he had to get married. Did he love you? I don’t know. Does he love Olivia? Again, I don’t know. Personally, I think the only person he loves is himself. If it’s any consolation, I think he cared more for you than he does Olivia. How many times did he propose to you?”


She nodded. “He proposed to her once.”

“I know. I designed that proposal perfectly where the only possible answer would be ‘yes.’ What woman would turn down a weekend in Paris capped off with a picnic facing the Eiffel Tower.” She paused. “He called me before he asked her. He said he wanted to give me one last chance to change my mind and accept his proposal.”


“The night before their wedding, he was with me. He left our bed and went to their wedding breakfast.”